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Ok so we're after some coffee or something and we're on the middle difficulty and playing permadeath at standard story speed!

We're also going to be a clown! Well an escape artist but I'm going to ignore that and just say circus performer = clown.

I grab an edge to help horror challenges.

Here we have Boffo! Unlike real clowns he knows little of the occult.

We start with a feat for helping us flee and also with a great edge for avoiding traps, having a guaranteed face card is really helpful.

We come across a giant animated crocodile and almost wet ourselves in terror, losing some of sanity into the bargain.

We can take it, maybe. 9 is fairly high but with luck we might be ok.

Nope not a single point, shit.

We lose 4 health and our talisman doesn't block anything useful.

Lets try again, after all we now will have 5 in draw and trick now from the last failure.

We even get 1xp from our glorious victory over a stuffed animal.

More stuffed creatures, or parts of them at least.

Despite the success we gain nothing. I'm sure smashing up heads on a wall wouldn't be too hard...

14! We'll come back to it later.

Luckily flee challenges are usually fairly easy, if it were harder we'd still have the feat to help. We don't find anything but you rarely tend to get anything for running away.

Exploring further we find a children's play room. I'm sure there will be nothing creepy in here.

Why is that in here?!

Luckily despite being drawn towards this inappropriately place guillotine we don't lose our head.

We admire the craftsmanship of the execution device and move on because currently the challenges are a bit much for us.

The very next step brings us to some ghost children dancing in a circle, wonder if they all played with the guillotine?

Now there's some sad things known to man
But ain't too much sadder than
the tears of a clown
When there's no one around

We flee them for now.

Next time:

Nothing gets better, and there is even more spooky stuff in the play room.