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Part 2 - Envoy to Goaturku

:I have some news regarding the mushrooms you discovered. It seems the little bugger has been spawning all over the place. Mushrooms are appearing in Ickykolo and Goaturku.
:What's Goaturku, you ask? Why, it's another of Sprog's fabulous dungeons, and home to the Goatfolk! The Goatfolk can be quite ornery, you see. Especially their tribe mother, the Goatress. This is what concerns me...
:She might not take kindly to finding these little mushrooms in her warren. You must go to Goaturku and deliver this message: "Be nice to the mushrooms!"
: Deliver it by any means necessary. Good luck, and beware the goats!

Looks like we're going to visit the Goatress!

I'll pick the warrior this time. I'll give each of the classes a chance when I unlock them before picking something to settle on for the rest of the game. Even blind, the abilities are still pretty self explanatory.

Well, there doesn't appear to be any difference between health/damage, so that's nice that no class has a built-in better start at Level 1 than the others (so far, anyway).

Looks like light-blue jellies are the standard jelly here. These are the ones that leave slippery poison behind, as a reminder (well, the small ones, anyway). There's also the downstaris! I'll explore around and get some XP first, though.

Wow, that level up was quick!

Here's the Warrior's powers:

Cleave lets you get around the whole "No diagonal attacks" thing by letting you attack all eight space around you at once! It gets even better where you get the chance for a critical attack at higher levels. I'm not sure what a critical does specifically to damage, but it's got to be good!

Charge let's you rapidly get into range of something that is at a distance, with increased critical hit chance the further you have to charge. It's pretty cool, but I haven't found anything that I absolutely need to get next to as of yet (other than spider nests, but I can slowly approach those anyway).

Shield Wall is amazing: you ignore ALL damage (including stuff from the environment, like slime) for the duration, and activating it doesn't cost a turn. Further levels turn this into damage return as well, making hard hitting enemies kill themselves on you. The downside is that it is expensive, so you need to make sure to make up the mana cost while you are invulnerable.

The ultimate ability, Dervish, attacks every enemy within two spaces for 1.5x your damage (upgraded to everything within four spaces). Effectively, it works as a better Cleave if you really screwed up somewhere. I would rather Cleave/Shield Wwall most of the time, but I could see it being useful once it gets upgraded (though I'm not sure how hard it is to get to Level 10).

Cleave is probably a better first pick, but I think Shield Wall would be a bit better while having to deal with this slime that's piling up, and I can always get more experience to get Cleave before heading into the dungeon proper.

Of course, I need to remember to actually USE IT before walking through all that slime

I do use it somewhat properly here.

OH WAIT NEVERMIND, WHO NEEDS HEALTH ANYWAY. I use the health shrine to heal back up to 37/38, but what a waste due to bad play.

I'm apparently on a mission to make sure these mushroom guys aren't hurt, but they sure seem to be attacking me here. Mushrooms pop out of the ground randomly to surround you, but these ones die in one hit.

I level up again off of some blue slimes! This time I pick up Cleave.

There's a treasure chest in the way of this goat. I wonder if it will block his path?

Nope, turns out it didn't . On the plus side, I picked up a Flaming Sword!

Flaming swords shoot out a row of flames in front of wherever you attack, causing 4-6 damage. Flaming weapons are useful for letting you one shot many different things, and the increased damage makes it the best type of weapon to use against bosses.

The mushrooms also can appear in packs. Too bad for them that I have Cleave!

The shrine mentions wintry tides, and that looks like some type of ice explosion, so I would assume it froze a bunch of things.

Wow, looks like it was a long-term freezing as well!

The rest of the overworld map was dull and full of nothing, so let's skip ahead to the dungeon, Goatuku.

Three big jellies? No problem.

I puree the lot and level up. This third level will be going into Shield Wall; the flaming sword seems to be working well enough with basic Cleave to take out everything in one hit, so getting some damage reflection leveled up will help with any tougher enemies to kill them quickly.

Using this shrine ends up spawning a whole bunch of pots.

I even get a haste potion out of it, score!

I find another pot that has a scroll of summoning. Scrolls of summoning create some creature buddies that fight for you. I decide to turn it into cash though; warriors don't need allies to kill everything!

I end up finding another treasure chest, and this one has a sword with a weird name.

Oh, that's pretty cool! I mean, I don't have Charge, so I'll stick with my flaming weapon. Still, I might play around with it at a later point through purchasing it.

I head downstairs to the next level, and there's already another chest!

Cool, an armor upgrade!

This one gives me some extra HP, as well as has a chance to shoot lightning out whenever I'm hit. That should combine well with my Shield Wall skill!

Uh oh, those red jellies have started to spawn. Good thing I'm a class that can become invincible whenever I want! I slice it up and walk slowly away/inside of the explosion.

Here's the lightning in action, after I take a hit from a goatman. Seems to spread around wherever the fuck it wants.

I net another level up, letting me take Dervish. I don't know if I will actually need to put it to use, but better safe than sorry.

I'm trivializing the remainder of this floor, and I'm getting a little bored. Let's just jump straight down to the next level.

Oh, it's the boss level. How convenient!

:What? Be nice?! I'm perfectly pleasant, you ugly little block-for-a-head! You just want to steal our iron! Go away! NEEEEEEEAAAAH!

Down goes the haste potion.

I walk right up, start my Shield Wall, and start wailing on her.

She dies without even laying a scratch on me.

Two new prisonersvillagers have been unlocked to wander in my little town! Hooray!

:Those goats are a handful, aren't they? The Goatress can be nasty, but hopefully she heeds our message. We wouldn't want her to hurt our new mushroom friends.
:Oh, you brought back a chest, I see...did it belong to the Goatress? Well, she was awfully mean to you, and I'm sure she doesn't have any use for what's inside, anyway. Let's break it open!

Inside the chest is the material to unlock either the Archer or the Thief (again). Once again, I'll stick to the non-stealthy options that I have available by unlocking the Archer. Maybe next time, Thief!

:Now I have some more great news! Since you set out for Goaturku, the mushrooms have grown, fact, it seems they've evolved their own civilization! And in such a short amount of time! How splendid. They even have a capital city -- called Big Tree. I'm planning a vist just now. I'm going to arrange a summit between their leaders and a Cloghead emissary. Oh, this is all so unexpected! All so wonderful!
:Two civilizations are thriving! I told you I could do it, Raako! I told you!
:Oh...ignore that, Cloghead. I will return -- for now, I'm off to Big Tree. When you are ready, come look for me on the world map.

Hmm, what's this about Raako that Sproggi keeps mentioning. Perhaps Spencer knows more! (not that the scroll icon that appears over his head after that conversation hints to that or anything...)

:Who is this Raako? You must be asking yourself. Well, you see...

:I seek the dominion of time, Raako. Look upon my realm, and behold the chaos that befalls it.
:All things tend toward chaos. Even little spirits know this. What effect would you have me visit on your realm?
:Return me to its youth, where sapphire rivers writhed through viridian forests, and bloated frogs supped peacefully on the waters of the fen.
:And what purpose would that serve, little spirit, for chaos would only befall your realm once more?
:Hear me, Raako. Upon the island-realm of Clog dwells a simple folk, the Clogheads. There they tend sheep and live in harmony with the earth.
:I am familliar with the Clogheads and their tiny realm. What does a little spirit know of a people so far from its home?
:I am most learned among the spirits of Sprog, and know much of what my kin knows not.
:Strange, little spirit you are.
:I beseech you, Raako; seize the Clogheads from their tiny island and stow them in the meadows of young Sprog, that they might be stewards of order in my realm.
:And why should mighty Raako grant the wishes of a little spirit?
:The gods take pleasure to meddle in the affairs of little spirits and mortals alike.
:Clever spirit.
:Mighty Raako.
:You amuse me so. Behold, and I will do as you ask.

:There -- now I educated you for real. Anyone can figure out how to spend gold -- good grief. Bye.

Well, what a chunk of exposition. Anyway, I spend some gold on upgrading my experience rate, as well as the discount on purchasable items (for when I actually need to buy them).

NEXT TIME: Big Tree!