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There's always a chance that new potential party members show up right when you enter a new area. Arthur could definitely need some support.

No such luck.

I've never had to solo an area before, but this one might not be so bad. There's plenty of cover so I can carefully, slowly slog my way through.

The vampire is back there. Just walking up to him could be dangerous - there's a house nearby and an enemy could be in there, or behind any tree or stump. I'll try to get his attention. I don't know if

wooden weapons can cut trees...

Apparently they can!

My plan worked, but maybe I should have put more distance between Arthur and the vampire.

Arthur gets an interrupt and hits him twice for about 60 points of damage.

His turn's over before he can reach Arthur and he goes out with a whimper. Arthur gains a level and I put another point into melee bringing melee up to five. I'd like to get it to 6 before going into the


Arthur carefully circles the house.

But no enemy's in sight.

Inside the house is a chest with items that would have been really useful two battles ago. Oh well, medkits are always welcome.

Arthur looks through every window to make sure no enemy's near and then starts to circle the entire area. A ghost shows up. Great. This could be a real pain when he's trying to slowly sneak up on enemies.

Arthur keeps walking and the ghost seems to be gone for now. He also spots a devil.

While trying to get to him, another vampire shows up.

He spots Arthur as he moves to another tree. This is good. I don't want to make any noice and attract two enemies at once.

Next turn. The vampire came really close but didn't get to attack. Perfect!

Arthur attacks several times and kills him. Now all that's left is the devil. Looks like the difficulty scales to your level and number of party members.

While searching for the devil, the ghost comes floating back

Arthur tries to get away from the ghost while still staying hidden from the devil and it works out perfectly.

He'll hide behind this tree. This should be good enough cover for one turn and then he should be able to kill the devil.

The ghost can't reach Arthur and the devil tries to shoot through the tree and fails. It's nice when things work out as planned for a change.

The devil is easily killed and Arthur survives another day

One of the vampires was carrying some gold. I now have 31 gold - and I'd need 32 to go back a recruit Morgan

Arthur picks up some more unremarkable stuff and the final chest contains 20 more gold! Now we afford to recruit Morgan! And pretty much nothing else!

I could go around and fight more battles and try to slowly build another squad, but that would be just like starting a new game under even harsher conditions. Instead, I'll pick up Morgan and try to kill

the first boss. If that works out then maybe this run isn't doomed and I'll keep going for as long as I can. This isn't necessarily the safest bet, because cities come under attack sometimes, but the game

won't be that cruel, right?