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Yes. Of course. This isn't the best way to show off town attacks, but what can you do. At the top of the screen there are two icons you don't normally see. The left one shows the number of enemies, the right one the number of civilians. civilians get their own turn between player and enemy turns in which they run around randomly, much like a panicked character. They usually get killed pretty quickly when an enemy is nearby. I think shop owners aren't counted and don't move, but they can be killed and their shops can be destroyed. If you manage to kill all enemies, you get a gold reward depending (I think) on how many civilians you saved.

I entered the town from a different direction than last time so I have no idea what the immediate area looks like. No option but to slowly crawl along.

During enemy turns, you don't have control over the camera, but you can sometimes guess where enemies are. From this, we can only tell that there's a devil somewhere

He's actually close by! And he's already killed a civilian. Normally during town attacks, you have to ballance risk and reward but with only one party member left, I'll focus on survival.

Arthur can't get to any good cover so he'll crouch behind this bridge. Another villager's already dead. Sorry guys, you're on your own!

Speak of the devil! He doesn't have any TU left so Arthur should be able to kill him next turn.

I use up most of Arthur's stamina to get close and kill him with four atacks. And another villager's dead. I guess they all spawned in close proximity of each other.

And another devil killed himself (see the numbers in the upper left corner). Like I said, the A.I seems to ignore walls at times.

Oh look, an actually alive person. And there's the bar. Hang on Morgan, we're coming!

He's gotten more expensive. You'd think he'd join up for free, given the circumstances. Oh well, two is better than one.

He's at the same level as Arthur, but his ranged skill is only at four.

Stepping outside, Morgan's attacked (and missed) by a Skeleton.

And it's not too far away.

Thanks to a ghost showing up, we need to take a slightly wider turn.

Another civilian is killed. I don't even know what happens when all of them die.

Arthur and Morgan take different paths towards the Skeleton.

You weren't here before! This is pretty bad. Arthur has almost no time left and from this distance, the vampire thrall will probably get enough attacks to kill him.

Maybe Morgan can distract him

He actually hits. Now let's hope he'll go for Morgan instead of Arthur. (Which is unlikely because he can see Arthur and he's actually closer).

Yep. Arthur's dead. But Morgan should be able to deal with the vampire thrall, unless I do something stupid.

I did something stupid.
Trying to get into a position from where I can shoot the vampire thrall while avoiding the skeletom archer, I moved Morgan way too close to the him.

But Morgan gets an interrupt and can move slightly farther away! Will this be enough?

Yes! The turns over. I plan to shoot once and then run away.

Morgan hits once but hasn't enough TU left to hide properly. Hopefully this will be alright

Whoa, the skeleton is already on to us.

As is the vampire thrall! Morgan's puny health is not enough to withstand his chainsaw and so...

It's game over!

Thanks to some really bad luck and a few dumb decisions, this has been my second worst run ever! I'll start another one in a bit. I want to at least show of a proper town attack and a bossfight or two. Plus, there are two types of regions we haven't even seen yet.