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Issue #1 Batman Begins

Nineteenth verse, same as the first. This time around, my gimmick is that Bartz is figuratively Batman. People like Batman right? This will go well.

Let's begin:

If there is one thing Batman cares about it's health and safety.

Let's begin in earnest now, shall we?

You should, by now, have the opening memorized, so let's skip ahead.

Too far! Too far!

There we go. We join our intrepid hero riding his trusty Bat-Chocobo. We're heading toward the fallen meteorite.

Villianous scum are accosting that poor woman. Eat justice.


How you ask? A wonderful soul by the name of Can of Worms created two mods, one was a FJF patch that unlocks all classes and the beginning. The second? A balance patch which, among other things, adds the "Hero" class. Normally unlocked at the Wind Shrine, Mega64's codes worked their magic to get this too me at the beginning.

You can find more info in the Four Job Fiesta megathread, or here.

Now I have no idea how the Hero class works, nor do I have any idea how the balance mod changes things. So this will be fun. I'm also not doing Omni. You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villian(Filthy multiclasser).

After serving my fist of justice to those goblins, Lenna Talia asks my name. There's only one answer.

I am Vengeance

I am The Night

I am...


Of course Talia, my keen senses tell me it's...

Galuf! Commissioner Gordon!

Looks like the Commissioner and Talia are headed to the wind shrine.

But there is evil in this world that demands justice.

To the Bat-Chocobo!

We find Gordon and Talia wiped out by goblins. Our sense of justice demands we make sure they get there safely.

Another case solved by the world's greatest detective.

Well, let's investigate!

It's a Lazarus Pit. Ra's Al Ghul must be around.

Another win for the World's Greatest detective.

See above.

Woohoo! Bat-Ship!

Unfortunately the Dread Pirate Selina Kyle A.K.A Catwoman catches us.

Come on Selina, I thought we were pals.

Give Batman five minutes and a dark cave and he'll solve this.

Anyway, Catwoman unties us, and joins our crusade. She's lucky we didn't pack our bat-Rope Untier.

To the Wind Shrine!

What rogue could be behind this?

You know how this goes. But let's explain the hero class.

Power Up!, the classes special ability, buffs the user with either Protect, Shell, or Haste. I believe it's also weighted to the odds of getting the same buff before the other two are quite unlikely. Neat huh? I'll cover any level up stuff as I get there.

In addition to self buffs, the Hero class can dish out justice with Knives, Spears, Axes, Hammers, Bows, Whips, and Shields.

For what it's worth, only Bartz can be a Batman. No teams of four Batmen running around, that's ridiculous. Lenna turns into Poison Ivy, Galuf into Wolverine, and Faris into Wonder Woman.
After defeating the bird Ra's Al Ghul appears and tells us what's up.

This is clearly the work of the Joker.

Anyway, Ta-ta for now.

Deaths: 0