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Chime 4: handbell choir to the fallen

Today we try something different..

Today we chump Garula as a squishy earth wizard.

Garula hits clothies like a truck, has a counter to physical attacks like !gaia count as, and has a specialty skill that inflicts HP Leak, a status that you just have to hope doesn't get you killed before it goes away.

With !Gaia pulling Wind Slash reliably at my level, I could three shot Garula and note I neither have !white, !black or !blue boosting me in this fight.

Things got a little hairy at the end but Fusui managed to defeat the boss with a little under a potion's worth of health!

#Water time!


Personally, I blame the meteor for destabilizing the peninsula.

Remember how I said I'd take Garula on as a squishy earth wizard? I lied. I was wearing Iron Plate the entire time and only taking around 30-40ish damage per hit.

Have I ever mentioned that I have a crippling potion addiction? *drinks a potion*

And the Karnak 750 gets underway here at the Omnizerker Speedway.

trying to buy anything gets you thrown in jail were we meet Cid, Son of Cid Pollendina, Grandson of Cid Haze, Great grandson of the First of the line of Cid.

he tells us about the fire powered ship and how we must stop the overuse of the fire crystal and we agree but not before one thing...

Ok, now we go.

Encase you were wondering, #2 heads toward the boss, #3 gets you the thieves gloves.

Let us pray to bahamut in these trying times...

Considering LF here eats Air spells, I got lucky and rolled an Earthquake for my !gaia.

Care to take a guess on how well this worked out? (it didn't.. Death #1)

Second Verse, not the same as the first.
I just crack two rods over my head right out the gate and extinguish the Living Flame.

the following is a montage of footage involving Fusui grabbing things before the castle explodes:

Death #2 Aera Spam

Death #3: Double gigas Aera spam

Iron Claw transformed only to eat a Wind slash an die. Not even worth screencapping.

#Fire as well, also Fusui you are some kind of special...

Hey little buddy, how did you get out of my pocket?

next time: Sandworms, I hate sandworms.

I apologize for the small pictures this time round but Infanview was being downloaded after a small error spree at time of this production.