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He loved these guys. He played berserker after we got home. When not playing around more physically he would designate each of the four berserkers to one of his fingers. He asked me to clarify what color each of his fingerzerkers was a half dozen times apiece. It was pretty cute. I was hoping he’d get sick of it by the next time we played, secretly.

So here is the party. I’m not well geared, but Lenna DOES have barehanded. Once we get to Karnak we will have more stuff. I did recall that he was concerned about the King of Walse, so I head there before he meteorite.

”King in bed?
“Yeah. He’s sick. He is trying to get better.”
”He lie down.”

”He go up!”
”Want all go in. Want all magicians go in.”

”Make Grandpa go in!”

”Serkers fightin?”
“Yeeep. They’re fightin’.”
”Serker fall down? Grandpa fall down?”
“He did.”
”Get him up.”
I use a phoenix down after the fight of course. The walk to Karnak is so rough. Berserks are so bad. I haven’t done any sort of all berserker challenge runs. I usually don’t do that sort of thing. It’s the kind of test of patience and perseverance I just do not have the time for normally. Oh god. This is going to be a slog.

”Serkers fight?”
”They fight?”
”Fightin’ dog bad guys?”
“That’s all they do.” Berserkers go so slowly. Ugh.

We go shopping and… “They think we’re bad guys! They’re taking us away!
”Where going?”


“We have to get out of here.”
”I want him stay here.”

“He blew up the wall!”
”We get in there?”
“He came in here.”
”Floor! Floor is bricks?”
“That’s right.”

”All get out!”
“The crystal is breaking! They’re gonna let us go out to go stop it.”

”He badguy?”
“No, they just think he is. He’s nice.”

Freed from prison I go shopping. I quickly buy all the spells in a fit of optimism. “Do you want to see the other job-“ ”No!”
”I want them do this again!” he covers his eyes.
It takes me a few to figure out what he means. When you buy a spell you already own all your guys make that “D’oh” pose where it looks like they cover their eyes. I do it a few more times for them.

Anyway, I spend 10 minutes on my lunch break FF-grinding Nakks, gearing all the berserkers. Might as well make a good go of it. Before I go back to work someone makes a suggestion…

He does love that movie! Why didn’t I think of this myself?

“Son, I could show you… unicorn magicians.”
”Unicorn magicians!?”


”I want them all be unicorns!”
I even ask him if we wants to keep one berserker because man I bought all that armor.
”Want them all be unicorn magicians!”

”Bird hit?””
“It’s a chocobo!”
”Cho-co-bo hit!”

He likes the summons. And loves the big chocobo. It is hilarious to him. I never managed to catch a shot of it. I tell him we need to go back to the meteor to find another friend to summon.

“It’s a waterfall. Should we go in it?”

We go up. He wonders why there is water here. Again, I explain, it is a water tower. He doesn’t want me to get out of the water to talk to the summon globe. I explain that we can go right back after.

I spam Sylph and Cure mostly and get through all this. He calls Shiva a “Kid.” and is suitably Whoa’d when she casts Ice. Lenna is still Barehanding so she punches sometimes.

We win. I try to get Pond Chorus after but the frogs run out of MP before landing it on Lenna and I will only wait so long. It does end up with us running around as a frog for a bit. He loves it.

”Frog magicians?”

”Frog on castle?”
“Yep. We’re leaving.” He is disappointed when it is healed at the inn. I explain it only lasts so long.

I do some shopping. “I’m buying them new hats.”
”Unicorn hats?”
“Sssort of.”

We gear up and get ready to hit the Fire Ship. He’s asked to go to the Library a few times now. He remembers it, mostly because of Mid, doubtless, so I tell him we have to do the boat first.
”Get on boat!


Next time: The fire ship and the castle.