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Chapter 9:The Red Menace vs The Thundersandstorm.

I go to get my VBA running.
“Bad guys in your game?
“There are.”
“And Ecks-deff in your game?
“He is.”

We left off with our bird parked outside Istory and I head right in.

”He say that?”
“Do you think there are frogs?”

I walk over to the flowers.
"Are they bad guy frogs?”

”See there was frogs.”
”See that not bad.”
Once the hole disappears with the frog gone-
”Hole gone.”
”That hole. in the grass.
“It went away!”

“Should I talk to this sheep?”

Well at least he didn’t get mad that I did it (or seem to care at all either way). We head outside and find Ramuh. I tell him that we’re gonna find someone to help us.

”What he hold?”
“A staff.”

”Badguy do that?”
“No, he’s helping us now.”

”Has no head?"
“No, he does. It’s right there. And a big long beard.” I point them out.
”Where mouth.”
“It’s under his big beard!”
”Where he eyes.”
“It’s those little black pixels.” I doubt he knows what pixel means though. I do point.

”What he do?
“Hit us with lightning!”
The fight is kind of a slog because Red Mage. No real risk. A few guys get KO’d but we kip them up quick enough.

“Now he’s gonna help us!”
’Big beard guy?”

”He do that?”
“He’s helping!” He also thought the mini-dragons were cute.

”See! Shadow.”
"See! bird’s shadow”
He has been noticing and talking about shadows a lot more the last few months. We head to Lix.

”What she name?”
“I don’t know her name.”

”Want to fight a monster.”
No patience for cutscenes. I head outside Lix to fight a random encounter.

”What they?
“Cat bad guys. Bad guy cats.”
”Why we fighting them?
“They’re trying to attack us.”
He asks about these cats back and forth a bit. I should have asked about ice cream but it didn't occur to me at the time. For whatever reason one of the hilarious things cats do according to him is eat all of other people's ice cream.
We go to Walse to take care of some unfinished business.

“The castle on fire?”
“That’s the other castle.”

“Why they fall down”
“Because he is knocking us down.”
”Want fight big bad guy again.
He asks something about why is something ‘that color’ but I don’t catch it and he doesn’t clarify. He wants to fight a big bad guy, so we move on to push that old plot forward.

Going li-bar-ry.
“See yellow hair””
“You want to see the kid?”
“See yellow bad guy hair.”
“I guess the sand worm is yellow.”

“What color is grandpa’s hair?”

”What the book colors.
“Mostly red it looks.”
”All them?

“Desert. The beach has water. There isn’t any water here.”

“Are you ready for the sand worm?”


”He close!
”That bad sand worm?” I have to clarify this a few times.
“Yes we want him to go in his home and leave a bridge.”
Also add about a million observations on him going up and down and where he did it. Kid loves the sand worm.

”Want him go there.” he points to the closest hole. He usually wants the sand worm to be close to the magicians.

”Why they orange"
“The magicians cast a spell to keep themselves safe.”
”He pointy.”
I agree. I never really thought about his green head spikes before he pointed them out.

”Get sand on them?
“Yeah! He hit us with sand!”

“In his home?”
“We made him go back home, yep!”
The fight was slow but safe. I had foolishly left !summon on most of the party but it didn't even matter.

“We won! We beat the sand worm.”

“Want fight the sand worm again.”
I assure him that, yes, eventually, we can. (Technically true.)

That’s all for this session, next time probably get the airship and all that comes after. (Updates will probably slow way down next week though.)