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Welcome back to Corpse Whisperer. I'm Herbert West.

Today, I've communed with a spirit named AlphaKretin. His last desire in life went such:

"Mr. West, I've gone to my death with a burning curiosity. In the fight against Wing Raptor, you summoned a Flaremancer with your Oath ability! How does that work?! A Flaremancer is an enemy, isn't it?! What?!?!"

Thankfully, I have the answers to all questions.

The Oath ability allows a Necromancer to call upon the patron demons of their family. There's never just one, unfortunately, which makes it unreliable, though powerful in a pinch.

Somehow, the West family found a pirate skeleton. With his deadly lightning powers, he attacks the enemy.

There's also an undead dragon. A zombie, though. Different from myself. It is so evil its very breath is poison!

Then there is... Raiji... Rajif... this manta ray, who emanates deadly bubble-esque orbs of non-elemental magic.

And finally, the Flaremancer, master of Flare, the deadliest Black Magic.

Would that I could use these abilities when I wanted, the trek to defeat Exdeath would be much easier. But alas, it was not to be.

Stay tuned for Stage 2- Beast of the Canal.

What in the world is happening to my ship?!

A whirlpool?! Perhaps this is the beast of Torna Canal, coming out to face me... Have at you, beast!



You know. "Yo." Salutations. Greetings! It's halfway an invitation to introduce yourself and half just me feeling out the mood of the room. I'm Karl. I'm 45 years old, I work at a nearby bank. I've got a lovely wife, her name's Carrie- she looks kinda like me, except she's grey. See, I was at Olive Garden one time when

Argh! He's... too boring... can't... move!! It's as though his feeling out the situation is... paralyzing me...!!

And so, my brother, he's like, "Hey Karl, do you have a tale to tell?"

And I tell him, "Dead men tell no tails," and I shook it at him like this!


Getting... weaker... bad jokes... bringing me near death...

Hey, you doing alright there, buddy?

No, no, don't mind me.

Clearly in order to defeat Karl, I would need a greater degree of power. Calling on demons was an option, but it was too unreliable. No... I would need some greater firepower.


Oh, hey, is that a cannon you have on your ship? I fired a cannon one time. See, I was in the Spanish Main...

Conventional firepower was out. I looked within the ship's cargo.

Eat my blade!

You know, I knew a guy once who was big into swords...

It sort of

went on like that

for a while.

Eventually, I became very frustrated.

Hey, Karl. May I ask a question. To you. May I speak?

Oh, well sure! Most people would've run away a while before you did!

How much money would you like for this scintillating story? Really, it's been very entertaining.

Oh, I can't take tips. That'd be rude of me.

No, no. I insist! It's flying out of my pockets! Have some money!


This is more money than I have ever seen in one place

My pleasure, friend.

Wow! Um, thank you! I'm gonna go use this to fix a nice dinner for Carrie! 3000 bucks... I can't believe it!

i'm leaving now.

Next time on Corpse Whisperer-

Noisy Girl! See you there!