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Chapter 12: It’s Not Easy Being Green.

“So were we going to go into the cannon hole?”

”Whats that?”
”That a cannon?”

"Go inside that. Go inside the cannon. Inside cannon”

"We’re in bad guy castle?”

”Fight in bad guy castle?”
“Well it’s a floating castle.”

He has nothing to say really about walking on air, at least until I get to that little ‘puzzle’ to the east. I mean I have thief sight so not really even tricky.
"What you doing that?”
“I am trying to get that chest.”

Change our teams.”

"I want him be santa claus. Want everyone be Santa Claus” Oh god.

“Change him too.””
“But he can blow bubbles, and if we get her number up something neat happens!” I want !Blue so bad.
“No. Change him.””

”Little hat!” ”

”Want him be that magician”
“Okay but he doesn’t do magic.”

This is what I get. Geobartz gets !Control. Ranger Faris gets Learning. Thief Galuf got Summon I think. Geolenna gets Summon.

I play the long game.

“She got a new bow!”
”A new bow?”
Blind is so good.

”Get out of here.

Doing this fight again?”
He observes when we refight monster sets. I am using Control to make Fans use White Wind on us to keep our HP up.


”Why he a frog?”
”Want him be santa claus”

Oh shi- I only have one Maiden’s Kiss? I run from all other frog fights. I don’t have Esuna without swapping someone to white mage either.
Also pictured here: My never really shopping for consumables. Those tents.

”Do this fight again?”
I’ve been blindly stealing from things, getting hi-potions, potions and ethers.


One day my son will let me get someone with !Blue.

I live in hope.
”He fell down”
“I got him back up!”

”Not gonna fall in it again?
“Okay. ONE time.”
”Fall in it again! Fall in it again!”

“I’ll fall in it again if you let me turn him into a Blue Mage.”
”… … … Don’t go down there.” he waves them away.

”What that part do?” He points to that gear in the lower right.
“Do you think it makes it fly?”
”Uh-uh… yeah!

”What’s THAT monster?” He means the Hydra of course.
“A hydra! It has a lot of heads.” We win. I am abusing Control to have it gas itself mostly.
“It was a big hydra monster! And that was bad guy!”
A solo Hydra feeds us our teeth nearly later. I haven’t gotten enough enchanted fans in the last few encounters to keep us up and Control keeps whiffing. One of our dudes goes down.
”We gonna get him up?”
“We’re gonna try!” And I phoenix him post-fight.

”Talk to him.” He is pointing to Tycoon, and asks me to a few more times.
”See? He bad guy?

“See we gonna fight him?”
”Want talk to him want talk to bad guy”
I had to use potions to top off our hp before the fight. I took Control and Learning off of dudes for Summon and Black Magic.

So archaeoaevis or whatever. No meaningful healing going into this. I’ve stolen some high potions and sort of have… Sylph? I guess? I actually try to use it a little. By now everyone knows the drill with this guy though. The Dark Bow is a godsend to blind him.

And this is a fight where geomancers do not blow.
”He a big bad guy! And he has a big shadow!
I actually take more hits than I need because my son bobbles my keyboarding a FEW times in this fight trying to grab snacks or worm for a better look. At least Gilgabot never leaned on my FF button so I ate a sap after a breath wing unnecessarily.

Gaia wind slashes gets us down to the last form.
”He came back!
“He’s still coming!”
Wind doesn’t hurt this form, and Sylph does like 10 damage. The bell goes from doing 200 to like 48. We more or less have to grind the rest of this out with weak physicals. At least he is blind.

”He shaken’ apart!
“We won!”
All gone!”
Both my geomancers learn !Gaia so there is that. I guess. You can see he Maelstrom’d us pretty good at the end.

“Who just said that.”
“The king… right?” It is a very distinctive laugh…

Someone comments that the Earth Crystal is ahead in the next room.
”Earth crystal gonna be ahead? Where earth crystal?”
“It should be in this room.”
”Think so? It no?”
“No, it is.”

I am reading aloud.
”Destroy… you all? He destroy us?” I am not even sure he knows what destroy means.

”Rock fall down?

“Bad guy castle?” Maybe he wonders if this is some sort of Exdeath castle?
”She back!

”See! She just knock him down!”

He doesn’t go into Grandpa fits this time. He is actually keeping an eye on King Tycoon. He asks if he was destroyed, but I, along with Krile, reassure that no, it’s just a little stun from thunder.

Once that musical cue hits the kid starts -bouncing-.
”Whats his name?”
“Whats his song?”
“Who’s song is it?”

“Do you think that’s Ex-death?”


You can basically imagine a non-stop barrage of questions and observations regarding Exdeath being here, this is his song, no it is not his fight song, yes he is here. That’s Exdeath.

”He from another world?
“A different map, yes.”

He starts asking if Tycoon is Exdeath now, once Exdeath splits. I explain no, he is trying to save the crystals, and will fix the shards but will be hurt so he’ll have to leave. He’ll show up at the end though. (I mean, if death stopped ANYone from showing up and talking to you in this game constantly it might be a trickier fib.) We get the shards and I read new job names aloud. He tries to imitate Samurai and Dragoon. When I say dancer he says ”Why?”. Ouch, kid. Chemist gets no comment. He probably does not understand they represent new clothes yet.

Then everything starts shaking.
”What’s happening?
“It’s falling apart!”

”They have to get out. Get out. Get out. He is insistent!

”Fly. Fly out. They have to go out.” (a lot)

”Boomboomboom like that sound?” There are explode-y hand gestures from him.
’That was a lot of fire!

We get through the explanation that they have to go to the other world/map. It isn’t until we get through it all and he sees the gap in the roster that I think it gets through what is going on.

He wants him BACK. He wants me to put Galuf in the front spot so he can see him walk around. He does not want to stop. He wants to find Grandpa. Distracting him enough to let this go for now takes some effort. (We end up picking blackberries in the yard.) Man I can beat 3 mini bosses with geomancers, right? Right? …maybe he’ll have me swap.

Next time: The search for Grandpa