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Chapter 24: Fork Tower and The Hamut Lagoon.

”He running like that?”
“He’s stuck in the underground?”
“He’s trapped under the tower!”
But first…

”Don’t play that. what is that?”
“We’re playing a song!”

“He wants to know how good we are so we’re playing for him.”
Just in case.

“And wheres he stuck in?”
“Under this tower!”

”That bad tower?”
“Sort of. It has magic at the top though.

”There are two now?” He holds two fingers out.
“We have to split up. He doesn’t seem so bothered by it.”

I run from things. He asks what the little wizards are. I tell him small magicians.

We swap to the other team and…

”These are wrong guys!”
He spends the ENTIRE way up protesting that he wants to use there OTHER two magicians.

I flee my way to the top.

”Don’t be fighting him! Run away!”
He doesn’t like these guys fighting. I just attack and Rapid Fire him down.


He relaxes when we get back to these two. I use silence sword and dance. So it’s a joke. The spells he is failing to cast serve as a tipoff to how much longer we have to needling him down 500hp at a time.

”Who saying that?”
Hey he realized those are sometimes talking boxes. I explain we are stopping him from casting spells.

”Holding candy cane?”
“Do you think that he is holding a candy cane?” I point because I wasn’t sure I heard him right.

We win. Flare and, more importantly right now, Holy are ours.

”Tower gone? Let me see.”
“It just disappeared! Poof!” He has me look a little before going in.

”Where we are?”
“The Catapult.”

“He’s stuck! Lets get him out.”

He seems happy to see them.

They submarine it up.

This passes mostly without much comment, actually.


He, bizarrely, isn’t happy that our team is back together. He wants Bartz and Faris to be gone presumably because he wants a Krile and Lenna road trip or something. Mercifully for me I can only change jobs, not remove magicians. Honestly he is probably cranky because the sun is getting in his eyes all trip. By the next time we play, though, he’s cooled off.

I review all our guys, and ask him if he wants to change them.

“Do you want to change Lenna? We could make her a queen or a unicorn magician.”
”Want her stay this magician.”

Oh well. “Bartz could be a knight or-“
”Want him be green magician.”

Hm. “Faris could be-“ ”Want him stay that.”

“Well, we could change Krile.” I show him the job screen. These are all actually pretty new to him, so he wants to change. He hems and haws off what it should be, I try to press, like, Time Mage or something but he wants her to be a DRAGON. That’s… that’s fine.

“So we can go to two places. One is a waterfall up here.” I point, “The other is a cave under the water.” I point. I give him the next two tablet dungeon locations.

”I want go there.” He points toward north mountain. He probably meant the little lake there in retrospect. I ask him, a bit amused and mildly incredulous, “What, you want to fight Bahamut?”

”Yes! Bahamut. Want to go Hamut.” He says Bahamut like once or twice, but then goes to Hamut or The Hamut.
”Yes I want to go to Hamut.”

We make a pit stop to get the black chocobo then. We talk about how it is black but also purple, he asks about his music and says that he is all black all over.

”What these guys?

The answer, apparently, is not 8x vulnerable to Aqua Lung

“Bahamut lives on this mountain. He is the king of dragons!”
”The Hamut there?”

“Remember this mountain?” He nods.
”We back here? Why we back here?”
“Bahamut is here now!”

”Look at these flowers.”

”Why he Hamut?”
“He’s the dragon king!”
”The Hamut is flying?”

“It’s dark because of Bahamut’s shadow!”

Oh daaang it is Bahamut. This is… probably going to be fine honestly.
”Hamut a bad guy?”
“No, he’s testing us. If we win he’ll help us.”

I test out holy on him, it hits pretty okay, but I end up having Krile using Curaga mostly, until the end.

I pop Mighty Guard and Golem very immediately. He seems suitably impressed by the dragon king.
”Why they floating?”

“Lets try our dragon against this dragon!”
”He a Hamut Dragon?”
“His name is Bahamut. He -is- a dragon.”

He pops Aqua Lung, then Poison breath.
”Why all their heads purple?”
“He used poison on us! We’ll heal some of it.

My gut tells me it is about time. I ask if we should have our buddy bubble us up. He agrees then struggles to describe what happens.

His next action right after.
9999 damage.

“Now we can summon Bahamut! Do you want to see?”
“We need to make someone a unicorn magician. Right now only a unicorn magician can do it.”

He, after some deliberation allows, ”One unicorn.”
Sweet. I start showing it off.

”Where his mouth?”
I point. He also notices that the Float from Mighty Guard hasn’t worn off.
”Why they still floating?.”
“Because it lasts until we take a nap.”

”And why we going down?”
“Because we beat Bahamut and we’re going now.”
”And he here?
“He’s with us now.”

He wants to see more.
”And he go-” he makes rumbling noises and explode-y hands.
”I want him summon Hamut” And points to Bartz.
“He’s a ranger right now. He can’t.” He doesn’t ask later.

“Well, before we stop lets ride Boko.” He allows it.
”What that song?”
“It’s the chocobo song for when they’re running!”

”Noo! Don’t go to the waterfall!
“Okay we’ll go back.” AFTER getting the lamp~

This is where we stand. I tell him that next time we’ll pick between those two tablet dungeons. We’ll see which one he decides. Or if he sends me to the Phoenix Tower or something.