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Hello you wonderful people out there. Since I saw that Dungeons of Dredmor was abandoned, I had to go and take a stab at that bad boy. This is an oddly quirky game with meat golems, dragons and lutefisk alters. ARE YOU BAD (And/or lucky) ENOUGH TO MAKE IT THROUGH THIS DUNGEON? But most of the time you'll accidentally kill yourself. So with that said, rather typed let's randomize our first adventurer.


Also before starting, forum user Nalesh suggested I should use a mod.

Because losing is fun. And this is a Rogue-like, it has to be perma-death.

Thus, let's kick off with making our first vict- Adventurer.
Annnnnd randomize!

Huh... That's actually a pretty good class set. Though, I would of hoped for piracy for the ability for lockpicks.
But let's show off our skills!

Swords, I mean. Pretty straight forward.

Personal ranking: four out of five.

Fuck yes, this a game you need meat shields. Also where you can encounter rooms full of monsters aka "MONSTER ZOO"s, a tactic of mine is summon one and close the door behind it and reap the exp. If it fails, just wait a bit and summon another.

Personal ranking: five out of five.

...Huh, honestly never used this skill before. But it will boost magic skills. So...

Personal Ranking: NULL

Another eh, skill. Sure there is some strong magic, but at a cost.

Personal Ranking: 3 out of 5.

I remember this was a fun one to have, since there was a lot of killing that needed to be done. And sometimes you never had a diggle omelet on hand.

Personal Ranking: four out of five.

Another skill I've never used, but it does sound pretty cool. Maybe there are bear traps involved.

Personal Ranking: N/A

And the last one. I'm guessing this Nalesh requested this, it had to show up at random chance. Another I'm not familiar with. Looks pretty sweet though.

Personal Ranking: N/A

So, all-and-all looks like a 1/2 Warrior 1/2 Mage build. Spell-sword?

They had to speak of and be helpful, see where that gets them.

Blah, blah, hero, blah, blah, villain, blah, blah, dungeon.

Looks like we entered in to the top right of the dungeon. Our first room being... The spicy apse. There is a random name generator for each room, equally wacky and along with really strange names for the champions of the level / quest mobs. So far, so good. Let's go get in some trouble. The mushroom is known as "THE PRINCE". Fun facts, healing is a gradual process and doesn't boost your health instantly. Most food items will do this compared to most booze-type items will do the same for magic.

If I recall right, it boosts health for a little bit. Meh. We started out with some pretty crap weapons, one that does only one point of slashing and the other a single point of stabbing. Switching to the one that does two points of slashing and a single point of stab. Let's head left after summoning our animated blade being.

Just to find a single diggle in a room, we can take them and take that sweet, sweet egg in turn.

WHAT THE FLYING FUCK! I can't even take out a single diggle without dying? Diggles are pretty much the lowest level mob in this game, equal to a slime in most JRPGS.

Welp. Just maybe playing on the hardest difficulty wasn't the brightest idea.