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Well, after that rather uneventful update last time, who's up for tablet hunting?

Mozart's #14 Dance Tune

First up, of course, is the Pyramid, since we can't go anywhere else at the moment.

I'll never understand how megaliths like this don't sink into the sand...

Trying to open the door throws these guys at us. They're incredibly annoying for a party without multitargeting capability, such as me or Zerky!, since they revive each other (through an "Unhide Monster" script rather than an actual revival spell, just so you can't cheese it by getting rid of their MP). One annoying thing they DO use their MP for? Transfusion, just so you can't kill them fast enough for anyone's tastes.

Unfortunately, they're Heavy (which Zerky!'s run failed to make note of, thus leaving me unaware until I wasted a couple turns on trying to Stop them), so this won't help even if it works. This is gonna be a slog...

Well, if I can't keep them from doing anything by slowing them down I can keep them from doing anything by going faster.

Probably should've thought of this before, since they don't actually do too much damage.

More tedious than anything. Unfortunately I've got three more groups of these to wade through...

Boss Deaths: 0
Total Boss Deaths: 5
Other Deaths: 1

: Huh. Looks like this is the place.
: Guess we'd better head in then.

Don't you guys find this ironic? Anyway, Lamia Queens can drop Lamia's Tiaras, which I might want. I'll find out soon enough, I think. (Incidentally, it doesn't quite dawn on me that a majority of this place's monsters are Undead until I Jitterbug a couple times and get drained.)

Oh, boy...

...yob ,hO (A full round of Requiem cleans them up.)

All three of these have monsters in them; as to what they're guarding, I find this, Dark Matter, and a White Robe. Of these, only the Robe is useful to me; Mozart takes it, since he's the least likely to get any upgrades for it anytime soon (in fact, looking at an item list reveals this just may actually be his endgame equipment, with its only competition being the Black Robe :toot.

The third one has this bunch instead of The Damned, which're chumps. Alluring Air neutralizes the rocks, while the dragon is, as its appearance suggests, Undead and is thus Requiem'd into submission. Fitting how the only one of the chests I care about is the one with stronger guards, wouldn't you agree?

Back on the first floor (because this feels suspiciously like the right way), I find a simple switch puzzle. Pushing the buttons on the ends solves it easily enough.

Well, turns out this thing's terrible for physical defense, but gives 5 magic defense; it says it "inspires the performance of Sword Dance" (by which it means that Sword Dance replaces all instances of Tempting Tango). That's interesting, but I doubt I'll need any more of these (and in fact may not need this one, since Mozart will be preoccupied by singing and the girls will be wearing Ribbons).

Stepping in this sand drops you into the basement; the button on the far side stops the flow.

First thing I do down there is open a box full of The Damned.


After getting back to 1F I loop around until I reach this sarcophagus, which spits a mummy at me. Requiem time. (Is this one of those annoying dungeons it trivializes that Mega was referring to? It certainly seems that way...)

Inside is an accessory I can't see myself using, but I'll keep it anyway in case I'm wrong. Incidentally, this is the first chest in the entire pyramid that hasn't attacked me... though it came close with that mummy at the door.

Back to where I'm SUPPOSED to be going, I find a race-type timing puzzle: If I can't get to the top of the stairs in time they'll turn into a slide and drop me on these spikes, which are poisoned (or maybe just rusty- I mean, they ARE pretty old...).

This is gonna suck, isn't it?

Never mind, their status protections are pretty much nonexistent for my purposes.

After dealing with those rustbuckets, I get to looting this room: This is nice, as is the other one on the other side of that sarcophagus; however, the Thornlet inside the sarcophagus (obtained after obliterating a group of Mummies, which isn't even noteworthy with Requiem) isn't useful even to the classes that can equip it.

Pushing the button in the bottom left (and exorcizing the snakes doing so summons) grants us spikeless access to this box; it's another Archeosaur fight, dealt with in exactly the same way as the last one. Inside is a Black Robe (the same kind I mentioned earlier as being Mozart's other choice for endgame equipment). It's a little better than the Diamond Plate I'm using on my Dancers for physical defense, is lighter, and even gives a lot of magic defense, so Faris gets it.

Now that that room's cleared out, I go to the next one and find a save point. Don't be alarmed; there isn't actually a boss in the pyramid itself.

This guy doesn't qualify as a boss, since he's weak and has pretty much no resistance to status ailments beyond just being Heavy.

Going up a set of non-compulsory stairs (in accordance to my philosophy of "always get sidetracked") leads to these boxes.

Huh. Didn't realize these guys could show up here. Ah, well, nothing a few Gold Needles won't fix.

I can't use this crap. Anyway, the other box has a group of The Damned and some Dark Matter.

Heading a bit further along the right way, a side-trip into the wall yields a fight.

Oh, hey, I remember you guys! Alluring Air time! (Gotta say, watching one of the Bandercoeurls Blaster itself is kind of odd.)

Nice. I put this on Krile, since Faris is doing well enough at the moment (and enemies seem to target Krile more often anyway).

Return of the sand flows! The first one leads to a box I couldn't reach before (since it was behind a door that didn't feel like opening) containing a Dark Matter guarded by The Damned.

Left switch moves the wall back, right one throws you down two floors.

Naturally, the two left boxes have monsters in them because this is the Pyramid. From the left, the items are Dark Matter, more Dark Matter, 9000 Gil, and 8000 Gil. This room isn't very useful to me, but whatever- there is treasure therefore I must loot it.

Moving on to more boxed fights. There's a lot of treasure here (though most of it is guarded).

Meh. There aren't many people who'd be excited about this in any kind of run, let alone challenges where you'll literally never be capable of using the thing. I'm more excited about the 10,000 Gil and Cottage I found in the walls. My favorite box on this floor would have to be the Elixir I got by jumping down a hole upstairs, though.

Speaking of which, timing puzzle time again.

I deliberately waited a bit to get the other possible floor configuration in this screenshot. Gotta say, I LIKE this box- probably one of my favorites in the entire dungeon! The box on the other side is a Gold Hairpin (useless for my purposes), and the one in the center (which may or may not be visible under the text box) is a Protect Ring.

The top-right corner of that timing puzzle leads to these two boxes (the other of which contains Dark Matter with irrelevant guards because Requiem). You can't actually finish the dungeon by going this way, though, so I have to go around to the top-left.

Which leads to these two boxes, containing this and another guarded Dark Matter, and the end of the dungeon.

Behold our objective!

Picking it up causes the floor underneath us to rise...

...which, in turn, ejects us from the pyramid. Guess we don't have to walk, at least!

It also destroys the funky-shaped peninsula we left our airship on way back at the end of World 1...

...which turns out to have been Bahamut himself all along. Errr... sorry for parking on you?

: Well, we were planning on going there at some point anyway, so why not?
: "Why not" could easily be answered with "giant dragon."
: Yeah, that's kind of a good reason right there.
: But when have we ever let things like that stop us? I mean, remember Shiva?
: I remember you were complaining about Galuf picking a fight with her. I think maybe you spent too much time around him.
: ...Yeah, probably. Of course, maybe I'm just having a power trip from these ridiculously-useful songs.

Oh, and the airship washes up in a conveniently-accessible location now that Bahamut's not wearing it as a hat anymore.

After a quick trip to Moore to sell off the useless stuff I picked up (plus my obsolete armor, but minus the 1-value Thornlet because why bother?), I'm ready to head back. Incidentally: I wound up with 3 Lamia's Tiaras pretty much by accident. I haven't sold any of them yet, but I expect that'll happen at some point.

We stop because we hear a wind drake, though.

Apparently it's Hiryu (you remember Hiryu, right?), since it drops Lenna off in front of us.

: God dammit, can't we go a week without anyone getting possessed?

The party is thrown back by some sort of magical shockwave or something I guess.

: You again? Frickin' tree...
: At least he isn't spouting that catchphrase of his again...
: Guess you spoke too soon.

: You do realize we're just gonna go around stabbing them all until they stop moving, right?
: Bah! Empty bravado and nothing more!
: You'd be surprised.

: Pretty sure a good whack to the head'll knock Mel out of her, actually.

Exdeath disappears because he's sure Mel can handle us. Once again: Ancient, powerful being underestimates the cheese Bards can pull off.

That said, at least he's using his time productively by Voiding the Library. Meh, whatever.

: Again I ask: Are you sure you can control it?
: Still spouting that nonsense?

Then Lenna gets sat on by a dragon. There's a line I'm sure most people, fictional or otherwise, have no cause to be associated with.

As Mozart predicted, this ejects Mel from Lenna's body. Yes, her sprite is naked.
: ...Maybe you should've put some clothes on- if nothing else, it'd mean you wouldn't die cold.

So is her battle sprite, unless you count her snakes. Now, normally Melusine's an aggravating exercise in finding and exploiting her weakness while avoiding the elements she absorbs, but I'm a Bard (and a couple Dancers with !Sing) so I'll be taking a completely different approach to this battle.

Namely, the Alluring Air approach.

From there it's a simple, if time-consuming, matter of Jitterbugging her to death (Sword Dance always missed, since she's got ridiculous evasion) while ensuring that she stays Confused; partway through I have Krile smack Mozart out of Swift Song so he can switch to Mana's Paean just to make it go faster.

Boss Deaths:
Total Boss Deaths: 5
Other Deaths: 1

: Hey, you'll be fine.

: We know. Now shut up and drink this potion.

And the group's back together! Of course, Lenna joins dead, so I've gotta revive her before she can do anything, but that's not really an issue.

: We'll do that when we're ready, and not a moment before.

: Is standing up there genetic or something? 'Cause I could never convince Galuf to stop it until he got knocked off that one time.

Apparently the game's decided it's time to check in on Exdeath.

These do not sound like the words of someone who's completely in control to me.

Anyway, Walse...


...the Moogle Village (which landed in the middle of a mountain range)...

...and Lix are all Voided in rapid succession.

Mozart is not pleased.
: Okay, screw negotiation- next time we see Exdeath, he DIES. Agreed?
: Yup.
: Yeah.
: Wasn't that the plan already?

: Pretty sure this is that Sealed Castle...

Time for me to get some awesome new weapons!

Incidentally, talking to this guy causes him to move aside and place a pot where he starts out; checking said pot heals you.

This guy, dubbed Exdeath's Soul, doesn't show up until World 3. He is Undead, spams instakills, and has far too many HP.

: The atmosphere's completely changed... Like something's sleeping, waiting for the right time to awaken...
: Looks like we've found the weapons.
: I think the tablet'll fit in that pedestal there.

Placing the tablet causes the entrance to sink into the ground while a disembodied voice tells us we can pick any three of the Sealed Weapons we want, after which the tablet will disintegrate.

This is the only worthwhile harp in the game (not that it has much competition, since there are only four total, counting this one). While all other Harps deal percentage-based damage with a chance of inflicting status effects (with all Heavy enemies being completely immune to both, even if the status effects are simply because they require you to actually DAMAGE the target), Apollo's Harp is quite simple: A 75-power magic-based attack which does EIGHT TIMES AS MUCH DAMAGE to Undead AND Dragons! Combine that with back-row attacking and a Bard having more Magic than Strength, and this is probably the best weapon they can possibly use. Too bad undead dragons don't trigger both bonuses (I asked someone to test this for me)... Anyway, this is going on Mozart and NEVER COMING OFF. (Disclaimer: I may use a Mage Masher on Omniscient; his primary weapon will be Apollo's Harp, though.)
: Minemineminemineminemine...
: Maybe you should calm down, Mozart...
: Yeah, you're practically drooling!

This is a high-powered knife (nearly doubling my current attack power, in fact) with a chance to inflict instant death on attack. While it's worse than useless against undead enemies, I have Requiem and, in addition, have just obtained Apollo's Harp, so that's kind of an irrelevant weakness.
: Think I'll take this one.

Nothing else here is relevant to me, but I don't think you can leave until you've taken three weapons, so I just grab this in memory of Gilgamesh.
: That kabuki guy would be SO jealous of me right now...

As we exit the chamber with new toys in hand, Exdeath is calling a meeting.

You're a bit late, since I've already got everything I wanted from there.
: Seek them out and kill them!

Like I said, I already HAVE the only two I can actually use, so you're a bit late. Sure, I'll fight them anyway, since I can, but I don't expect to actually gain anything from it.

Exdeath gets three volunteers to try to head us off at the other tablets. Well, I suppose I might as well get the other nine weapons just because...

Here's Mozart demonstrating Apollo's Harp on the only other enemy here (yes, as their name implies they've got ridiculously high defenses). Unfortunately, Shield Dragons are stupidly strong, immune to Stop, Confuse, and Death, and counter my attacks with TWO INSTANCES of Knock Silly (which is a regular attack that also confuses).

Other Deaths: 2

Next stop: Crescent.

Playing for the local minstrel after you've played 7 pianos total prompts him to teach you a song.
: I think you'll like this one, Faris.
: What's it do?
: Magically enhances the listener's strength.

: Something feels weird about this forest...

: ...Am I hallucinating?
: Depends. What do you see?
: A town, but it doesn't look like it's quite... well, there, you know?
: I see it, too.

: Don't think you're quite here yet, but I think you're getting close at least.

The armor shop sells really high-tier stuff; just out of what I can use, the Black Cowl is an upgrade for Lenna, the Circlet's probably the best helmet Mozart's capable of using, and all three body armors I found in the Pyramid (Black Garb, White Robe, and Black Robe) are sold here. I get a Cowl, Circlet, and two Black Garbs.

Checking this box lets us go behind the counter.

There's a secret path back there which leads to this shop, where I finish my collection of elemental rings and buy some Hermes Sandals for everyone (and even equip them- those Elven Mantles have served me well, but they're starting to look pretty ragged...). They also sell Lamia's Tiaras and Angel Robes, but whatever.

Circlet compared to my old Sage's Miter. Basically, if you're gonna use store-bought gear, make sure it's from the Phantom Village.

Not only does this let me finally start stealing, it's also a statistical upgrade compared to the Air Knives I've been using! Krile takes it, since she's got a Ribbon (speaking of which, there's another available at this point, if I remember right. I should go pick it up...)

: Huh. That's ironic... In obtaining the power he sought, Exdeath apparently left himself vulnerable.

: I can do that. Just gotta go find Boko.

Yeah, as you can see talking to the residents foreshadows the last boss.
: That's exactly what I kept telling Exdeath!

Ladies and gentlemen, the final piano.

Yeah, the game's kinda laying it on pretty thick here, but hey- the piano sidequest is FINISHED! Now I just gotta go get the reward.

The weapon shops here have literally nothing I can use, but it's not like I need much upgrading on that front at the moment.
: Wait, what's the black chocobo doing here?
: Egad! Where did this town come from?!

After dropping the black chocobo just outside the Phantom Village (if for no other reason than to help me remember where it is for Elixir shopping later- yes, the item shop there sells Elixirs), I fly off to Regole.

Considering how her "prized possession" is Ribbon #3, I don't blame her for being reluctant to give it away!

Back to Crescent for a bit to pick up the last song in the game!
: Hmm... A song that allows even a raw recruit to fight as if they were a veteran... interesting.

Translation: This song increases your effective level in battle. Since most damage algorithms factor in your level, this is HUGE.

I could've done this part before the Pyramid if I'd remembered that it was in Moore.
: Blah blah blah, brave left, coward right...
: Your left or mine?
: Mine.

: I've never considered myself to be a particularly brave man, so I'll take THIS!


Just so Lenna doesn't feel left out, she gets the Chicken Knife... which is already at max power (presumably from my Elixir farming in World 1).

: Hey Boko, a guy made a bet that we couldn't go all the way around the world. Think you're up for it?
: Thought so. You three wait on the airship- I got this.

: Kweh?
: Oh, that was just uncalled for!

This'll be my only means of summoning this run.
: Hm? What's this?

: And done!

The guy who made that bet coughs up the Mirage Vest, which (as I'm sure we here in the challenge thread are all aware) nullifies a single physical attack against the wearer... which, combined with the Mirage Vest Bug and Swift Song, effectively translates into "completely immune to physical attacks."

Here's our next destination, made accessible because the Big Bridge cut through the mountains surrounding it. After all those screenshots of airship-powered collect-a-thon'ing, though, I think I'll leave it for later.

Next time: Tablets, Part 2!