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I brought you some tea, Ichirin.

Thank you, just leave it over there.


Boy, this is awkward...

As soon as they came aboard, they took over the central part of the bridge.

Well, for now let's just keep quiet and try not to interrupt their conversation.

Knew it, this place sucks. Told you we should've met in the dining hall instead.

I have no objections. After all, the bridge is the command center of the ship.

So why did you call the gods of the mountain and I up here? If you just want to chat, then I'm afraid you chose the wrong partner.

Don't worry, even I realize that it's far too late to rekindle our old friendship. I gathered us together like this so we could exchange information.


C'mon, it's not every day you get a line-up like this on the same side. So so it's like a super important conference and a friendly get-together, all in one.

Well, this is more pragmatic than I was expecting. I was sure you'd be trying to force your will on the group, or make us to listen to your long-winded speeches.

Let's not get snippy, hmm? We should all be nice to each other~! There's more than one thing drawing us all together after all.

Hmph, a fence-sitter.

Cut it out, we're talking about the incident. How about we start with how someone hid the full moon?

Indeed. What we can see in the sky right now is but a warped, fake moon. Gensokyo has, for the moment, lost the power of the full moon.

I've heard from the Great Tengu the importance the full moon is to the night-dwelling youkai. I imagine that's why Yukari stopped the night: to help catch the mastermind.

So we're crucifying the culprit along with the false moon.

It's an impressive spell, to be sure, but wasn't there a more direct way of handling this? Most people seem to think that the stopped night is the real incident.

...That's true, the tengu seemed more worried about that part.

Youkai like to go wild at night, and you know how the tengu hate disorder. You could've just made a quick statement and cleared all this up, Yukari.

My apologies, but there wasn't enough time to plan that far ahead. This was an emergency, and I hadn't the slightest clue who the culprit could be.

So there are people who even Yukari doesn't know~.

If it's an intruder from the outside world, then this is quite shameless of them.

Something beeps.

Oh, what's that noise?

Um, it's a call from the deck. They must be reporting something.

That sounds interesting. Now how should I answer this?

Please don't, Yuuka. That would just confuse them.

...Fine, then someone answer in my stead.

Sure, sure, I'll get it...

Suika picks up the call.

Ah, it connected. Momiji's on lookout duty right now and-

Oh, if it isn't one of the kappa from the valley. Nitori, right?

Eek! Suika?!

So what's up? Something interesting happen?

Um, er, my deepest apologies for interrupting your meeting. I believe I have something that might benefit you to hear...

And now she's scared out of her mind. Talk properly.

Allow me to report. I have confirmed a light directly ahead of us. My personal opinion is that it is the light of a building.

A building? Out here?

Yes. It's still quite far away though, so I can't say for sure.

According to the Palanquin Ship's map data, there's nothing over there.

...Hmm, I can't imagine that either the tengu's maps or Momiji's eyes are mistaken.

Then let's go take a look. It might be a new restaurant.

Maybe not a restaurant, but there certainly does appear to be something there. Keep up our current course. The moment you see anything on the monitor, please make an announcement to the ship.

Yes ma'am, understood.