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Whoa there!

Hm, you've got a pretty good eye for scythes, Komachi!

I expect great things for the harvest too! Good luck!

Sheesh, this is exhausting, and in more ways than one. Times like these you gotta- Hey, it's Yuuka!

What? Yuuka came to watch me?!

Take that!


Don't worry, I used the back of the blade.

I'd certainly hope so.

Elly's pretty uncool, isn't she?

But it's awesome we can practice while we're traveling. It really okay to go wild inside the ship like this, though?

Shouldn't be a problem. Youmu was using it for this earlier, too. I hear the room is protected by magic, so nothing will break.

How does that work?

There's a special impact-absorbing barrier affixed to the inner wall of the lounge. I call it the Inner Wall, "TROMPE!".

Trump? What?


"TRi-Optimized Magical Protection Environment!".

It's a coating made from Lady Patchouli's magic, Nitori's science, and the Palanquin Ship's Buddhist energy working together.

We installed it to protect the prayer hall, but since it's here, by all means, make use of it. Wouldn't it be more efficient to train while giving each other advice?

I see, with this we could probably power up to even higher levels.

Investigating incidents should go a lot smoother from here on out.

Okay! I might as well get in on this too! Hey Alice, wanna joi- Huh?

If you're looking for Alice, she went to watch over the brats. Someone named Keine gave them homework, I think? They're doing it now.

Oh, Keine did that? And hey, you're a kid too! Don't go around calling people brats!

You're only as old as you think you are! Mentally, I'm an adult too.

Cut to the aforementioned brats.

...I don't get any of this.

Don't copy mine! What if I'm wrong?

How are we supposed to know the answers to any of these history questions? C'mon, Alice, help out a fellow forest dweller!

No. If I just give you the answers then you won't learn anything.

Chen's pretty good at math. Shiki must be made to calculate stuff.

Huh? But I'm terrible at this compared to Miss Ran.

It's okay, Chen. Just do your best, with your own skills.

Ah, Miss Ran!

In order to become a splendid shiki, just keep doing what you can, little by little.

Yes! I'll give this everything I've got!

But, um, I can't remember the next stage of my multiplication tables...

Off the side, the rest of the class is commenting.

She's acting like that cat girl's mom. I'd hate to be anyone's minion, but that doesn't seem so bad.

Speaking of grown-ups, there's one who's pretty good friends with Cirno.

Oh? They didn't come with you?

She's a winter youkai, so she's asleep now.

... I'm kind of jealous. The people in charge here pamper you so much. If mine had been like that too, I wouldn't hav-

Yours? You mean you've studied and stuff before?

Ah, um, a little, yeah. There are all sorts of rabbits. Wait, why do the fairies need to study too? You planning on helping these people out?

We should all want to help each other out when we're in trouble.

Well, that's a nice sentiment~. I'm impressed.

And back with Chen, Ran is watching.


(That rabbit doesn't seem to be taking any suspicious actions, for the present anyway. Actually, it's almost as though she's trying to get through this without making any waves...)

What are you all doing? You've even got matching notebooks.

Oh, Reimu. You're on break too?

Keine gave us these. She called them our "Summer Companions". We got them a while ago, actually, but we've barely finished any of it...

We got them a while ago, actually, but we've hardly finished any of it...

Good timing, Reimu. You help out too.

What? Just figure it out yourselves.

Reimu's so selfish!

I don't do charity for fairies!

But I can't believe Keine's even trying to teach people like you.

She said everyone needs an education, even fairies and youkai.

And since she was so nice about it, we couldn't say no...

I think I understand that feeling. She can be quite pushy.

Speaking of Keine Kamishirasawa, wasn't she one of your companions? I hear she's made great efforts as a peacemaker in the battles thus far.

Come to think of it, she's the one who wanted to take Rumia and Cirno along in the first place.

It's thanks to her that we can all get along so well.

Whaaat? Is this gonna lead up to us having to thank her or something?

So why isn't someone like that with us now?

Maybe she's protecting the village or something?

That makes sense. She seems like the type to force herself to do it alone.

I'd bet she has Mokou with her, so I'm sure she's fine.

Where did that come from? You seem to trust Mokou an awful lot for someone you've never gotten along with.

She's a pain all right, but she's not a bad person. Especially to Keine. Seems like they have a close relationship.

It always felt like they've known each other for a long time. I mean, we're all getting along pretty good, but we're not THAT close.

Well, that's a private matter between them, so we shouldn't pry.

If we keep up the investigation, I'm sure we'll run into them eventually.

Yeah, and she'd probably yell at us if we started slacking off.