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Update 04

Time to advance to the next chapter...

Powerup time! Knight and Ninja are available, along with the rest of the Wizard and Priest spells.

Like Wall, for Priests...

...Or Finn's favorite, Bolt3...

...Though he won't hesitate to use Ice3 if a foe is weak to it.

OK, time to progress the plot.

Well, if Olan does his thing, you're extra screwed...

Both of these Thieves tried to Charm Finn. Magical destruction is his love, so they failed.

Finn decides to Charm them in the only way he knows how.

Olan has had enough...

That Chemist Shadow is about to fist was the only one unaffected by Galaxy Stop. Jerk.

Finn makes some lightly fried Mediator fillets.

In normal runs, this really sucks. Olan never joins you, and only shows up in this one battle. In a Five Job Fiesta, it's not quite so bad, since you wouldn't be able to use him anyway.

Hmm... Maybe for my next one, I'll use only special NPCs that you can't normally get... Olan, Teta, Alma... Hmm...

Might as well put that book I got at the end of the battle to use.

Time to see my brother.

Well, if I have to call Finn to deal with you, it's a lot easier to get out of his way if I'm standing...

Have fun storming Thunder God Cid!

Plus, Finn is unattended right now... Who knows what he might be blowing up?

Alma kind of joins you. You can't deploy her in any story battles, but you can use her in random battles...

Damnit, Finn! What did you do?

See? I told you! You can't leave Finn alone for very long!

Throwing the book at the man!

MBarrier! Such a great spell!

Light 'em up, Finn!

These guys aren't too smart, lining up like that...

Hmm... the Knight guarded. But Zalmo ate it, so we win anyway.

Talk to the Bolt3.

Are you kidding? I have Finn. I can go wherever I want!

Alma has some nice equipment. I'm sure you can see where this is going...

G Boots! Love these things!

Back we go to Orbonne.

To get kidnapped.

3 battle gauntlet. I remember to make a second save.

Give them the finger! And the Bolt3!

He guarded Kheldarn's first fist, but fell to his second.

This jerk, however, guarded against Repeating Fist.

Shadow almost fell here.

Break Weapon failed.

Lancer guarded against both of Kheldarn's fists this time.

This Time Mage attacked Kheldarn, and ate a Counter Fist.

He guarded against both fists again.

Finn, on the other hand, is doing fine.

Son of a bitch stole my Twist Headband! He got a double fist counter for it!

I forgot the fight order, and stuck Chameleon Robes on Finn, Kestrel, and Kodo.

I also forgot to stick another Twist Headband on Kheldarn. Or any headgear at all. It made things a little harder for me...

This jerk? He uses Jump, and takes out Kheldarn. Kestrel got a Protect on him, but it wasn't enough to save him, after the Archer shot him right before Izlude landed.

I used Raise 2 so that he'd have more HP, keeping the Archer from oneshotting him right away.

Finn finished the fight.

Blah blah. And no, Finn didn't kill Kodo. Izlude beat him to it.

Boy oh boy did you underestimate me, and boy oh boy was it fatal!

The fight literally lasted 1 turn. Kheldarn went first, walked up to Wiegraf, and double fisted him to death.

Well, after what you did, did you really expect him to stick around for Finn's Followup?

It's just a flesh wound!

I like how his portrait is bloody. So many small details in this game.

Itty bitty living space?

Deaths From Finn's Friendly Fire: 5

Yeah, another update without Finn killing anyone on his team. Maybe he's learning?