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Update 07

Welcome to Update 07, where I get my ass handed to me. The game really didn't like how I turned the end of Chapter 3 into a cakewalk.

I wanted to get 2 Swords for Finn, so I did a couple of random battles, and Frog's incantation popped up.

Time to move the plot forward.

Hello, Aerith! I'm not going to do the FF7 Cloud sidequest for this run, sorry!

No reason not to buy your flower, though. Even though it's 1 Gil, the game never deducts it from my hoard.

Germinas Peak gave me a little trouble...

It's a good thing you're not bounty hunters, because you're not good at it.

Kheldarn doesn't like enemy Ninjas. He lets his fists tell them so.

That spot in front of the Thief is a tiny space to stand on. I don't move Finn there, so that Kheldarn can move there and Punch Out!! the Thief.

Stupid Archers and their stupid long range.

Stupid Thieves and their stupid Steal Heart.

Thanks to Auto-Haste from Excalibur, Kodo kills Kestrel before I get a chance to uncharm her.

Throw Stone only has a 16% chance to hit Kodo, thanks to Abandon. Wave Fist is the same.

Earth Slash has a 100% chance to hit. Gonna hit hard, but she can take it.

Kodo uses Revive to bring Kestrel back to life, since, you know, she killed her.

Since all his spells have a charge time of 7 right now, I decide to drop a Flare on the Archer. Kheldarn punches the remaining Thief to death, then Finn's temper Flares up, murdering the Archer.

Time for a swim in Death Lake!

No! Bad undead! My Zodiac Stones!

Kheldarn actually went before Kodo? Since she got Excalibur, she's been going first. Ah, he leveled up, and got another point of Speed. This is the only time this happens. After this, it's back to Kodo going first.

Oh good. Silence Song. It missed, and Finn's Counter Magic Silence Song also missed. Bah!

Finn's Fire4, however, did not miss.

So the other Archer took him out.

This Summoner wants to hit Kestrel with Leviathan.

But Shadow has other ideas.

The Oracle is plans to try Silence Song again.

Following Shadow's lead, Kheldarn has other ideas.

Kestrel Raises Finn, so the Archer shoots Finn again.

Shadow punches one Archer, Kestrel Raises Finn, and Kheldarn punches the other Archer. We win.

This is another 3 Battle Gauntlet, so a second save is the way to go.

This is when the game starts to get nasty with me.

You don't say!

No. Way.

Both are targeted on Kheldarn. He can survive one (just), but not both. Apparently, that's not good enough to unlock it for Kheldarn to use. He never manages to get it unlocked in the enitre update.

And I'm probably going to skip Deep Dungeon, so no Ultima. Not that he needs it...


So we end up with Kheldarn dead from double Ultimas.

This Byblos is in Critical from Finn and Kestrel Counter Magicing his Bio attack.

However, Shadow ended up petrified from Bio, and Finn got dead. Off to a good start!

The geometry of this battlefield is a bitch. You can't get a clear shot of what you want to see.

It didn't take them long to off Kestrel then Kodo.

Round 2! Fight!

This time, only one Ultima is targeted on Kheldarn.

Kheldarn didn't survive the Ultima.

They killed Finn and Kestrel, petrified Shadow (again), and Stopped Kodo.

Round 3. I stick a Jade Armlet on Shadow this time...

I have no idea WTF she just did, but she one-shot Kheldarn. She didn't cast anything, just threw her arms up like she was casting, and then immediatly after that, Kheldarn was dead.

Round 4.

Things actually went my way, and Lede moved where I needed her to defeat her.

Although it says Defeat All Enemies for the Battle Conditions, you only have to get Celia or Lede to Critical (or maybe Dead. I killed Lede, so I dunno...).

I'm coming to save you! Slowly...

Most people spend their time in this battle trying to steal Elmdor's gear. Since this is a special run, I'm skipping that.

Not that he cares. He wants revenge for Chapter 3.

Whatever that OHK move is, she did it again, to Kodo this time.

Elmdor uses Draw Out to defeat me.

Time to try it again.

What if I said I'm sorry?

If I'm gonna die anyway, I figure I might as well gang up on Elmdor.

Finn decides it's time to try to up his Friendly Fire count...

Actually, your Assassins seem to have subscribed to Finn's newsletter, since their Ultimas took you out. Whatever works.

Actually, no, it won't. This is the easy part of the gauntlet.


Nightmare manages to Sleep Finn and Shadow.

Oh yeah. I get a Guest for this battle.

This is no Velius. I don't get to end it in one turn.

Instead, it takes me 4 turns, because Shadow was hit with Sleep from Nightmare. Which a Skeleton attacked him out of before Kestrel's Esuna went off.

And some more fancy gear for me! Not that any of it is better than what Kodo's already wearing. But still!

Deaths From Finn's Friendly Fire: 7