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So all the talk about what class Jecht would be got me thinking about how Jecht really would play like. But then I remembered that we do have some great examples of how he would fight, albeit "non-cannon" ones. I'm not super familiar with the game and haven't actually played it myself, but from what I can gather Jecht is an absolute monster at close range. And he definitely has a strong "fire and darkness" theme to his attacks to contrast with his son's "water and light" abilities. All of his "HP attacks" combo in from his standard "bravery attacks" which are combos of punches, kicks, knees, and elbows. As befitting of a man who mastered the art of water-rugby, Jecht fights dirty and fights to win.

WARNING: From here on thar' be spoilers for both a mediocre-to-good PSP game and for this game as well. You have been warned.

Before I get to the interesting attacks, the HP attacks, Jecht has three regular moves, two combos and a block that can be used from the ground or air. When Jecht is on the ground he uses the Jecht Rush, a basic melee combo that can finish with any of the moves below. While airborne he instead uses the, wait for it, Jecht Stream. He also has the Jecht Block, where he simply tanks any attack that doesn't come from directly above or below him, even ones that are normally unblockable. This means Big-J is both an unstoppable for and an immovable object. Also worthy to note is that you can't just button mash with Jecht, you need to time the next attack to when a red ring appears around him for maximum hurt and the ability to move straight from Bravery attacks to HP attacks. I'm assuming this means he takes a modicum more skill than some other characters, but I couldn't tell you for sure. Additionally, many of his attacks can be charged up to give them greater range, wider areas of effect, more individual hits, or make the attack break through guards.

First for his special attacks there's the "Jecht Blade", where Jecht goes nuts swinging his enormous anchor of a sword like it's a nerf toy while charging both his blade and his body with magical flames. This move proves that the J-man was no slouch when it came to swordplay, being comparably quick to his son while being much, much more brutal. Also notice Tidus completely whiff his throw. Tidus failing to live up to his father will be a running theme.

Next is the "Jecht Beam", whereupon Jecht slaps the shit out of his opponent, does a corkscrew headbutt straight to their junk (this is technically Jecht Stream), and then gazes at them with stern fatherly disapproval until the chump explodes out of shame.

This attack, and the next two, are all abilities that Jecht has as Braska's Final Aeon. Meaning that Jecht either had all of these abilities before sacrificing himself, which I can totally see, or in Dissidia-land Jecht just kind of... got better from being an Aeon. Which is the truth? Who knows? More importantly, who cares!

Third is "Triumphant Grasp", the only attack not named after the greatest Blitzer alive. It starts like the Jecht Beam, but instead of using the power of paternal guilt Jecht goes for the more direct route of a thermonuclear gut-punch ending in making his fist go critical and sending whatever schmuck was stupid enough to get caught by it flying. Again, Jecht chumps Tidus' attack like it's nothing. Fun fact, in the Japanese version of the game this move is called 'Jekuto Fingā' or 'Jecht Finger'. Why? It's a mystery...


Finally is the "Ultimate Jecht Shot". Now, in game Tidus' version of the Sublimely Magnificent Jecht Shot Mark III has him dribble the ball off of some poor asshole's face before spinning as fast as possible while hoping he doesn't vomit everywhere to work up the momentum to kick the ball so hard it'll knock everyone out of the way to score a goal. But as we've seen, Tidus ain't shit and couldn't possibly have mastered the real Jecht Shot. How do we know this? Because it turns out the move entails getting underneath someone, or getting them above you, and summoning a fucking meteor from the sky to dunk on them with. Holy shit!


Dissidia also gives every character an "EX Mode", basically a Devil Trigger. You move faster, hit harder, and get other nifty buffs to better wreck people's faces in with.

Jecht's EX Mode is transforming into his Final Aeon/Sin form. This lets him continue combos even if the first strike doesn't hit and use his ultimate attack, Blitz King (which is better than Tidus' Blitz Ace smile:. I'll let the attack speak for itself.

That's Jecht transforming at the top of his initial jump over Tidus' throw.

And lest you think I'm overselling how big of a badass Jecht is in this game and how much of a useless disappointment Tidus is, check out this scene from Tidus' story. Tidus has tracked down his dad, and is ready to throw down because no fuck YOU, dad! And Jecht figures it's time to teach his little upstart runt who the top dawg is. Spoilers, it ain't the blonde one.

That last .gif is my favorite .gif ever.

In short, Jecht is pretty fucking rad and an absolute beast of a warrior, at least according to Dissiadia. But it fits with what we know about him, at least, and it just makes me want to see a real game staring him even more.


It was too many gifs, I moved this offsite.


Moves were made from this video:

Tidus gettin' one right in the breadbasket came from this one: