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It's time for our final showdown with ASGO...

Oh, we're done. Well, that's great, because it's time to see what happens when we attack.

We strike. Asgore...he's smiling? It must be a relief to get out of the horrible situation he put himself in.

Flowey destroys Asgore's soul, and pops up to confront us.

Hee hee hee.
So you finally get it.
In this world...

We reload and beat up Flowey.

Then we kill him.

We reload, and take a moment to do some backtracking. Unfortunately, we killed, so we can't get to the Pacifist end--


Oh, hey! Because we reloaded to a save before we beat the game, Asgore and Flowey haven't been killed yet, so we're still considered pacifists. The closest thing to a punishment is that Flowey won't explain that there's a better ending.

I take a moment to date Alphys, then it's back to Asgore for another final battle.

This time, we show him MERCY.

His speech is the same as when Prof did this, but normally when Asgore brings up treating Frisk like family, Flowey kills him. But we killed Flowey, so, after a pause, Asgore continues:


Young one, when I look at you...
I'm reminded of the human that fell here long ago...
You have the same feeling of hope in your eyes.
There is an ancient prophecy among our people...
One day, a savior will come from the heavens.
...I believe the one that was prophecied was you.
Somewhere in the world outside...
There must be a way to free us from our prison.
It pains me to give you this responsibilty, but...

The screen flashes white. The sound of a monster being hit rings out.


Asgore dissolves into dust. Only his soul remains, but...

Friendliness pellets appear and destroy Asgore's soul.

Hee hee hee.
Did you REALLY think killing me would make a DIFFERENCE?
Every time you load your SAVE, I'll come back.
And every time you try to get a happy ending...
I'll be there to tear it away!
Ha ha ha!!!

Flowey vanishes. He already knows we can beat him when he has six SOULs, and he's already destroyed Asgore's SOUL, preventing us from absorbing it. We try to leave anyway, and get a phone call from Sans. The first half is the same as Prof's first Neutral end, but when Undyne tells you that she doesn't blame you for Asgore and that she misses him, something changes.


I miss the big guy.
H-hey, Undyne, are you okay?
I'm fine. Why don't you talk for a while?
U... uh, okay!
Man, she's tsundere...
Um, hi...
S-sorry, I hate talking on the phone.
I don't really know what to say.
Hey, why didn't you tell me the queen was so cute?
Uh, I mean, uh...
Mettaton's doing OK!
And! Um!
I'm trying to figure out a way for us to get out of here!
B-but I kinda have no idea what I'm doing.
I'll figure it out eventually, though.
The queen is a lot different from ASGORE...
She actually checks to see if I'm doing anything.
She's really turned this whole place around!
Oh! Hey! Wait a second!
Hey! Toriel! Do you wanna talk to...?
Well, she says she's busy.
Oh, she SAYS she's busy.
we wouldn't get the phone back for at least a few hours.
B-but, if you want to, call and talk to her anytime.
Yeah! She'd be happy to hear from ya!
oh, whoops.
this thing's almost outta batteries.
so, hate to cut this short, but...
be seeing you, ok, buddy?
See ya, punk!
G-good... good...
Hey, why do I have to be the one to hang up?
Ehehe...I hate goodbyes...
Um, we'll see you again someday!