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Since others showed off changing your name and mentioned a few other things i was going to show off, I'll just show what happens if you just give yourself 9999g (or heaven forbid, grind that much), and actually buy one of the spider bakery items in hotland. At first nothing changes, and they give you a cider or donut and everything is exactly the same right up until you meet muffet in person.


Did you hear what they just said?

They said a human wearing a striped shirt will come through.

I heard that they hate spiders.

I heard that they love to stomp on them.

I heard that they like to tear their legs off.

*Ahuhuhu... you donated so much money to us.
*All the spiders want you to know how thankful they are!
*We're in your debt, dearie~

after that, she leaves without a fight.