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Let's Play Star Ocean: Till the End of My Animes (Star Ocean 3)!


While largely shat upon by the three other Star Ocean fans in the world, Star Ocean: Till the End of Time is my actually favorite game in the series.

But Landwhale, three out of four gamers can?t be wrong! All I ever hear about this game is how awful it is!

SO3 suffers from what I can only articulate as some good character and story ideas trapped in a terrible, terrible reality?there are a lot of things in this game that made me go ?dang, that?s cool? or ?gee if this was a book I?d read it? but in turn there was quite a lot of *ANIME*. A lot of people can?t get past all the bullshit that the latter entails so they either just ignore it and have fun with the battle system or froth at the mouth every time this game is complimented (stop liking what I don't like!).

What helped me digest this week-old quiche of a game was the presentation of its universe, either through NPC text or the dictionary (arguably the most interesting thing about the game :v. I?m not going to ramble on about detail here, but dammed if I?m not expounding upon it throughout this LP. Let's think of it as a coping mechanism.

And that?s just the story?the battle system gets its fair share of bitching. Speaking of which?


?Improvements? on Star Ocean 2:

But frankly I love MP kills and if anybody whines about them here you?re a big goddamn baby and I?m going to laugh at you.

If all this sounds needlessly complicated, don?t fret, it?s really easy to pick up after some practice.

Item Creation

While not as hilariously game breaking as the previous instillation's, SO3's IC is the key to removing anything remotely difficult about a fight. However, instead of just your main party being responsible for crafting, there are freelance inventors dotted throughout the game that you must recruit in order to make certain items. The game breaking inventors are, sadly, not interested in being hired until around the end of the main story. More on this RNG fuckfest when we come to it.

Battle Trophies

A gamut of 300 battle conditions to achieve that will unlock a music player, three extra costumes per character, Full Active Mode, and the last two tiers of difficulty.

Versus Mode

About a fifth of the way through the game you can unlock an arcade-fighter-like sub game that lets you pick a character and fight against the rest of the playable cast. The catch is that every character has a handful of pre-set battle skill "styles" and you have to unlock certain characters/costumes by finding their Trading Cards.

There is no reason to bother with this, although there is a 2-player mode which if available outside of this sub game would have been pretty cool. I remember playing Final Fantasy 3 (VI) back on the SNES as a 2 player and wondering in my later years why so few RPGs have a similar feature. It's like Square knew I'd grow up to be a friendless shell of a person.


There are 10 playable characters, 2 of which were added in the Director?s Cut before being shipped to the states. One of them was already in the game but unplayable and the other was created from scratch as a selling point of the re-release. The fact that he?s a mandatory character and takes up one of the 8 available character slots is a popular thing to complain about.

Unlike SO2, choosing one character does not lock out another. Instead, you have 2 slots for a pool of 4 optional characters. We'll talk about that later, although I'm pretty set on going with and this time around. I'll be running a and game alongside this one for their endings and some different scenarios, at least.


Instruction booklet and dictionary "spoilers" are acceptable, as you can't really help but stumble into them, especially the latter. The second you encounter a new character (or just happen upon an entry that mentions them!) their life's story appears in the dictionary. However, please still spoiler tag all main character and major NPC details until they are revealed in the LP.

Don't talk about any future plot developments unless it's speculation. Not even if it's spoiler tagged.


Landwhale, huh? I know one of those.
About that...
Let's just grab him and get out of here.
Just think about all the bull we could have avoided if this is what happened.
What are you talking about? The game falls apart after you get him.

Oh what foul role will we color twins play?
Good god please use 3P or 4P. Wait, no, I'm wearing pants in 3P. Fuck pants.
Wait, you're pantsless and shirtless in 4P.


renders/official artwork under this thing

music links (there is a reason Fayt is close to tears)

highlights from the Nel/Roger game (should popular demand not sway me from my main party choice)

me rambling about shit maybe one or two readers would care about (this LP is for you!)

Throwbacks and references go here. Edge isn't here because he's a faggot and there's like two things in SO4 from 3.