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At any rate I should continue on...

"At any rate I should go.
If I stay here I will be burned to death."
Cybil continues forward while breathing feebly.

When Cybil finally reaches a door...
A man is in the center of the room...
An unfamiliar girl is passing something to Harry...
The scene fills Cybil's eyes.

Harry holds something dearly, at his chest...
It is a baby.
Harry holds it as if it is his own...
Or maybe he is thinking of it as Cheryl...
He smiles a bit.

"It's a mistake..."
Perhaps Cybil was the only one to realize this?
"He must not accept that baby...
It will go on forever...
With the spinning of the world and time...

The baby represents the beginning.
It is a devil.
Look into its eyes and you can tell."

Summoning the last of her strength Cybil stands.
She must tell him.
She must tell Harry of his mistake.

One of Cybil's arms has already caught fire, and indigo smoke is rising from


Cybil staggers towards Harry.
Harry is just beyond her extended left arm.

"Look closely at its eyes...
At the baby's eyes..."

Is what she had planned to say, but all that came from her mouth were
unintelligible shrieks.

Once Harry takes notice of Cybil he is surprised, places the baby at his feet,
and walks over to Cybil.

that baby is...)

Harry takes the hand gun from his hip.

"I thought I killed you...
But yet you are still alive!"

I am Cybil.
A real person.

Even though I cannot speak,

even though I have been shot in the chest,

even though one of my arms is burning...
I am still alive."


Cybil hears the familiar sound of gunfire.

At the same time she felt a severe impact on her forehead.

Only vivid red suddenly returned to what had been a monochrome world.

There is no strength in her body.
Her body falls like a doll's, and her broken face forcefully hits the
ground with a smash.

"I can see Harry.
He is walking this way.

Behind him...
Behind him I see a baby.
It is looking at me..."

Harry gently closes Cybil's eyes with the palm of his hand.
That was his final consideration for her...

The world is ending.
Looking at it subjectively, the act of one's body dying is the same as the
world dying.

When their five senses no longer provide information, humans know the
end of the world.

The world is within the self, and also a part of the self.

However, when Cybil lost consciousness for the last time...

She knew a completely different truth than what she was expecting.

The End (C-1)