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HP:35 | ATK:46 | DEF:34 | SP.ATK:35 | SP.DEF:45 | SPD:20 | TOTAL:215

So instead of a rat, we can have a squirrel. And it, uh, doesn't exactly match up, since its stats are a bit more spread out and despite its design and indeed, its evolution, it has garbage Speed. Like that's not a typo, it's really that bad. I don't get it, but I suppose it does spend its time standing on its tail. But it's a Normal type, so we have the usual stuff, but it also has some nice Special Defense? Sure, why not. Doesn't get much in terms of moves, unless you want to supplement it with TMs (you'll want to do this with basically every Pokemon, limited uses willing), but you get Slam early enough, which will be useful to keep up with the curve.

Overall, this isn't an amazing choice, but it's never really a bad one, it can survive fairly well if you treat it right and it'll do alright for now, but it will fall behind eventually. Not just yet though.