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This ain't no Grimm fairy Tail: Let's Play The Witcher (SSLP)
What is this game?
The Witcher is an Action RPG (Role-Playing Game) developped by CD Projekt Red and released in 2007. It uses Bioware's Aurora Engine, which you may remember from Neverwinter Nights. It was later re-released with the "Enhanced Edition" moniker and sported greatly reduced load times (which were abyssmally long), over 200 new animations, additional NPC models, and corrected dialogue. It's also been said that the enhanced edition corrected all bugs, and while I've never experienced any, I cannot verify the truthfulness of this statement. Additionally, the Enhanced Edition was released with(or was updated with, depending on if you bought the original or not,) two premium adventure modules, "The Price of Neutrality" and "Side Effects", as well as an updated version of CD Projekts proprietary adventure editor.
I heard this was adapted from some short stories. Is that true?
Yes, it is indeed, although there's a bit more to it than that. The Witcher did originally start out as a short story, but after it's initial success the author, Andrzej Sapkowski, began writing a novelized series on the adventures of Geralt. The events of the game take place 5 years after the book series and while it is a good adaption, there are many inconsistencies with the original works.
Inconsistencies? Does this mean you've read the books?
Unfortunately, only the short story and first novel in the series have been released in English, but I will be pointing out the key inconsistencies based on information provided here
Why an SSLP? Doesn't this game have a lot of cutscenes?
In a way it does, but alternatively it doesn't. A lot of what's presented as non-interactive gameplay is exposition, and that amount of dialogue can be just as easily transcribed as it could be recorded, and a large part of the combat, which while fun, is repetitive. It also doesn't lend itself well to video because much of the game is running back and forth between characters for or fighting Random Generic Mook #9347 and killing it in two hits, especially later in the game. I do, however, plan on making videos of the boss fights, if they seem interesting enough, or take long enough.
What about those adventure packs? What are they?
The official adventure packs are two stories being recounted by the esteemed bard Dandelion about the main character. While they don't tie in to the story directly, they provide interesting fluff about the characters and the game world, so I may play them, but only after completing the main game.
Also, please, spoilers to a minimum. This game relies heavily on exposition to hold the player's interest (and the viewers' as well in this case) and spoilers could potentially ruin the atmosphere.