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Chapter 11 ? The Golden Hair and Perfect Cake!

First off, there were some changes made to Eruca?s line up, since I had to go grind a bit for screenshots.
I degenerated Bones and Kahn twice to their in training forms. So we can put them back to BlackAgumon and Gorubimon.
Kirk degenerated back to his rookie form, though almost time to digivolves back to champion.
Softserv is still a Tentomon.

But Reggie!
He digivolved and got a new nick name.

Say hello to Hardserv, Eruca?s PlatinumSukamon partner.

Now that Eruca has saved DarkmoonCITY from another large, looming threat; time to see who needs help until the Union needs Eruca to save the world again? She checks with the Dark species, but they have nothing for her. Next up is the Beast species and seems a Shamanmon needs help stealing hair from an ape..

: we?re really big fans of Apemon! We want Apemon?s Golden Hair! Eruca, would you please go and see Apemon and get it for us? Apemon should be in Limit Valley!

With that, Eruca gets the point and heads off to Limit Valley in search of Apemon. On her way, she notices how all the Digimon around DarkmoonCITY are starting to Digivolve again.

When Eruca arrive at Limit Valley. She notices that she is where she last defeated Grimmon. The gate is still up blocking her path, so looks like she?s backtracking. Her first encounter shows an old boss as a common enemy now!


Seasarmon ? Level 25, 54 beast EXP, 31 bits.

Just as Eruca?s eyes adjust to the new lighted side, look who she sees?

: Huh? My fans want Golden Hair from me? Well? I don?t know. If you can get me some beads from Shamanmon just a little further down here, I?ll give you my Golden Hair!

So Eruca decides to keep on, in look for another Shamanmon. To do a fetch quest for a fetch quest. Down a ladder and immediately across a couple bridges and she finds him.

: Beads? Well I can?t give them away for free. Let me see. I know! I want Apemon?s Stretchy Bone. I?ll trade you my beads for it!

Back to Apemon she goes. Like this will accomplish anything?

: the Beads? What? Trade them for my Stretchy Bone?! That was your plan from the start! If you want them, then you?re going to have to take them by force!

Someone is a little sensitive about their bone?

Apemon ? Level 36, 450 Beast EXP, 150 bits.

He?s not too hard, if you didn?t have any trouble with the last boss, this should be just a beatdown with his ton of HP.

: Here you go. It?s my precious Stretchy Bone. Take it to Shamanmon.

So time to finish the first part of this fetch quest for a fetch quest of a fetch quest.

: I was just kidding. I feel bad for Apemon. I can?t take the Stretchy Bone.

Shamanmon than gives us the beads out of guilt.

: Now take the Beads to Apemon. Tell him, I?m sorry.

Well what a jerk he is, time to give Apemon the Beads and the Bone.

: Huh, the Stretchy Bone? I see, Shamanmon decided not to take it. I?ll take it back then. Thank you for getting the Beads. This steel feather is very rare. Now take some of my Golden Hair.

Eruca cuts a patch out of Apemon..

: Hurry and give it to them. I?m sure they will be very happy.

On her way out of Limit Valley, Eruca runs into a pair of NiseDrimogemon with a Seasarmon

Here?s a picture of them since I missed it last time.

Eruca finally gets back to town, and goes to deliver the package!

: Golden Hair!? Amazing! This is a rare item no one has yet! Eruca, thank you! Your reward is at the Dark Center. Go get it there.

Reward: 175 Tamer points, 6985 bits, Double Axe Weapon (Level 10 Beast item).

Time to Digivolve!
Kirk to Leskimon.
Softserv to Kabuterimon.
Bones to BlackAgumon. (Level 1, 200+ Attack, 950+ HP, I love it.)
Kahn to Gorubimon.
Chekov the Monodramon to Dinohumon.

That was it for now.

Eruca than heads back to the Dark Center, to see what the other group is that needed help today. By the looks of it, it was the Machine species.

: eating cakes. I?ve always wanted to eat the legendary Digideli-Cake. I heard that Sunflowmon in Dark E Area will make one for you. Do you think that you can go and get a Digideli-Cake for me?

(I?ll be showing off all of Dark E Area at the end of the update)

So Eruca heads off to find Sunflormon in the new Dark E area.

: I?m sorry. I?d like to make you one, but I?m all out of SP DigiMilk. If you get me some, I?ll make you a cake right away. Hookmon in the Sunken Tunnel has SP DigiMilk.

Now that Eruca now knows where to find what she needs, she leaves for the Tunnel once again? Once she gets there, she notices she?s somewhere new!

One way is blocked off, so there?s only one real way to go? A couple screens later she finds Hookmon.

: SP DigiMilk? I?m saving it for Digideli-Cake! I?m not giving my SP DigiMilk to you!

Hookmon ? Level 31, 302 Machine EXP, 150 bits.

: What? Sunflowmon asked you to get some? Why didn?t you just say so. I always give Sunflowmon SP DigiMilk in exchange for Digideli-Cake. Please forgive me. Take as much SP DigiMilk as you want!

So Eruca grabs the DigiMilk and runs into some Gizamon.

Gizamon ? Level 21, 26 Beast EXP, not sure on the bits.

Than she finds another old boss lingering the halls?

Raremon ? Level 28, I?m guessing around 30-40 Machine EXP, same-ish bits. (He was in a pack of 4)

Time to go back to CITY and get some cake!

: Now I can make a Digideli-Cake! All I have to do is stir in this SP DigiMilk into the batter and bake! It?s done! Here you go!

She brings the fresh cake to Kotemon, so he?ll release her reward!

: Digideli-Cake! Now I can finally eat a Digideli-Cake! Thank you so much! Please get your reward at the Dark Center.

Reward ? 140 Tamer points, 6580 bits, Titan Saber (Level 10 Machine weapon)

Now that Eruca has helped out some more patrons of DarkmoonCITY, the Union finally has another quest. This one looks like we?ll be holding back a Light Fang invasion! Tune in next time for? Chapter 12 ? Light Fang Assult!


Time to show off a new area of the game. Remember how when Eruca got the D Word? Well that unlocked the Dark E area of the world. To reach there you?re going to go South-East of where you?d go to teleport out of CITY and that?ll bring you to the right path.

Follow the path and that?ll bring you to Dark E Area.

Welcome to Dark E Area. This place offers a few things, First: New Vendors!

Wizardmon ? Sells new slightly stronger equipment. (1 rank higher basically, let?s call them Rank 2)
Deputymon ? Rank 2 Consumable vendor.
Kabuterimon ? Rank 2 Farm Goods!
[url=]Mojyamon[/url] ? Actually he just remodels the farm for you, nothing new.

There?s also 4 Digimon that stand around, they tell you how to unlock some extra species quests. You need to create the Digimon with the specific personality type they tell you and put them on your farm. The Digimon are:

Lazy Tsukaimon
Wild Ogremon
Lazy Guardromon
Graceful Floramon

That?s what is in the new area for you! You can also access this area from farm island.

Time to spend a little time at the Colissium. First to check if Darkdramon has anything new.

: You saved up some Tamer Points!

---Eruca got a Belt Machine!---
(I think it?s a Farm Good)

[img[/img]: Come again when your Tamer Points go up!

Eruca also figured this be a good time to train an obtain a Bronze Tamer Rank now that her Digimon are a little more powerful. Time to talk to Leomon.

: to become a Bronze Tamer? The entry fee will cost you 500 bits.

Umm yes?

: Alright. I?ll enter your name, then. Go to the WaitRoom when you are ready.

Eruca beelines straight to the arena to get this on!

: I just became one. Is it okay for me to be a test supervisor? What do you think? Well, I?ll do my best! Do you understand the rules? All you have to do is beat me! Then you?ll be promoted to Bronze! Ok, let?s go!

[url=]Shadramon[/url[ ? Level 31, 672 Bug EXP, 125 bits.
Magnamon ? Level 31, 672 Hold EXP, 125 bits.

: Winner Eruca!
: . . . Oh, I lost? I don?t think I?m suited to be a test supervisor.. Wow, you?re strong! Congratulations! We?re both the same rank now, so let?s both work hard.

: There?s some paperwork so just sign here? Thanks. Good luck to you!

Eruca now gets 5% Scan Data on everything!
Which means if we start getting random Ultimates in battles, 5% every fight!
That?s all for this update.

Until next time!