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Star Wars The Old Republic: Republic Edition: Jedi Knight Update 1.

So we have our usual opening crawl, You know the one that is required by law to be in every Star Wars movie or game.

SWTOR Opening Credits posted:


It is a dark era for the JEDI ORDER. The Sith Empire obliterated the Jedi Temple on Coruscant and slaughtered many of the Republic's brave defenders during the last war.

The surviving Jedi have withdrawn to their ancient homeworld of TYTHON, where they take advantage of a fragile peace to train a new generation of guardians for the Galaxy.

Now a new hope emerges. A young Padawan strong in the Force Journeys to Tython's dangerous wilderness to complete the final Jedi trials and become a knight of the republic....

Yeah this is Tython where we will be spending most of our early levels. Personally I consider Tython the weakest and blandest of the starting planets but I will let you guys decide for yourself on that.

And here we are.

Here's our new boss who will be giving us our first quest. Jedi Knight Derin Weller.

: Welcome to Tython, Padawan. Everyone at the temple is looking forward to meeting you.

: Your former masters praise your combat skills. They say you have become an excellent duellist.

: I have never fought anyone I couldn't beat. Including my masters

For the purposes of this test post I am playing a darkside female Mirialan but I may leave it up to an audience vote for the actual LP

: Impressive claim. If you're seeking fresh challenges, You'll find them.

: The Jedi Council will assign you a new master to oversee your final trials. You'll be tested in ways you can't imagine.

: But when you leave Tython, You'll know what it means to be a Jedi Knight. More importantly you'll know yourself.

: I didn't come here to meditate and learn boring lessons.

: These final trials will test you to your limits. Boredom is the least of your worries.

: There is a speeder here that will take you--hang on. Getting an emergency signal.

: Flesh raiders armed with blasters? He must be mistaken.

: Why is that?

: Flesh raiders are a species of hostile natives. They're smart enough to use tools and violent beyond reason.

: I'm sending every available jedi down to the Padawan training grounds right away--especially you.

: "especially" me? why is that?

: You've been trained for dangers like this. I know I can count on you.

: Take the speeder outside to the training grounds. Push back the Flesh raiders and find if they're really using advanced weapons.

: Go. I'll catch up after I alert the Jedi Council. May the Force be with you.

So there's our starter quest. Go to the proving grounds and find out if the Flesh raider natives really are using blasters and if they are stop them killing Jedi trainees.

So I fly down to the proving grounds in my space taxi.

On arriving I run into a Jedi Master by the name of Relnex asking for help.

: Padawan, Come here quickly. The training grounds are not safe today.

: Knight Weller sent me to help with the Flesh Raiders. I'm combat trained and ready to help.

: Then the force is with us. Few Padawans here can make that claim.

: The Flesh Raiders moved into the training grounds organised and ready, attempting to isolate various groups of Padawans.

: There's a group of students in the hills we lost track of. They're not combat trained.

: Don't worry, those Padawans will get home safe I promise.

[iimg][/img]: I've got a beacon here. If you can find the padawans and set the beacon, we'll send an evac shuttle as fast as we can.

: A group of Jedi from the temple is heading that way but maybe not fast enough. May the Force be with you.

So that's two quests we have now, Kill 10 flesh raiders and find a missing party of Jedi trainees.

Here is the flesh raiders and a quick look at Tython. Tython is a painfully generic green rolling hills flowers and trees sort of planet. While we are there the flesh raiders are going to be our main enemies and well just look at them, They are pig-men with what looks like a Chinese style conical hat for a head.

We also get a Codex entry.

SWTOR Codex posted:


"The Gnarls" is the name given to the wilds near the outposts and landing pads beneath Masters' Retreat. It was nicknamed for the thick undergrowth that originally took several months to clear. The original explorers of Tython discovered and restored ruined stone paths and bridges leading through the Gnarls, suggesting that these wilds were once used by the ancient Jedi.

Although still a proving ground for Jedi Padawan's, in recent years the Gnarls has become increasingly dangerous, Wild animals have begun migrating closer to the outpost, and there have been sightings of Tython's native Flesh Raiders within neighboring sectors. The Jedi Council is in discussions about moving the training grounds to a safer region, but many Masters feel that risk is necessary at a certian level of tutelage; the galaxy is dangerous, and jedi cannot be shielded forever if they're to be prepared.

So I move out killing Flesh raiders as we go. On the way we run into these. Blue objects are things we can interact with. In this case a treasure chest and a cage that acts as a quest giver. So I loot the chest and interact with the cage.

Flesh Raider Cage: [a dead Padawan lies in the cage, succumbed to his wounds. The Flesh Raiders have apparently been trying to catch some of the Padawans alive!]

Flesh Raider Cage: [There might be other Flesh Raider cages in the area]

So this gives us another quest, this time to break some captured students out of the flesh raiders cages. We also get our first bonus quest, If we kill at least fifteen flesh raiders before we turn in this quest as a success we earn a large chunk of XP and sometimes a bonus item.

So off we go killing flesh raiders and opening cages as I come across them.

Killing off these flesh raiders (plus a couple more done off screen) finishes our starting quest and we get a holo-call.

: Your unharmed--good. Flesh Raider shot me in the leg while rescuing some Padawans.

: Don't know where those things got blasters, but they know how to use them.

: I've been evacuated to a med centre but the fighting isn't over.

: of all the Jedi in the galaxy why do I get the incompetent one?

: I was expecting reinforcements by now.

: Some are already here, but Flesh Raiders keep pouring in. That's why I am calling.

: Another Padawan found a cave tunnel that the Flesh Raiders are using to infiltrate this valley.

: I need you at that tunnel, to make sure the Flesh Raiders don't get any more reinforcements through it

: Apparently, I am the only competent warrior on the whole planet.

: Arrogance is unbecoming of a Jedi--as are petty insults.

: We need to end this conflict before anyone gets hurt. Find the tunnel along the mountain range..

: May the Force be with you.

So now we have a new quest this time we have to save the day by first locating a tunnel full of Flesh Raiders and then blocking it somehow to prevent any more Flesh Raiders breaking into the tunnel. But before we do that sidequests!

Roaming the hills on the way to the cave I come across the missing band of Padawan's.

: How's he looking?

: He should be resting in the Jedi Temple. But if you're determined to press on...I can help him along

: Give him the last of the Kolto if you have to. We'll be fighting again soon.

: Hey! Good to see another Padawan alive out here. Your Lucky those creatures have not caught you yet.

: I haven't encountered a creature yet that could stop me.

: They couldn't take us either, and let me tell you they tried.

: We came seeking knowledge of the Jedi Code. The Flesh Raiders interrupted our trial.

: I have never fought like that in my life. We killed it but Jerridan was badly injured.

: One flesh raider did this? You really can't handle yourself can you?

: I mean seriously is their one competent Jedi on this entire planet?

: We are not warriors, Besides it is not the Jedi way to seek revenge.

: That's just your opinion Mennaus, that's not what we decided.

: Training or not, a bunch of animals won't keep us from becoming Jedi.

: Isn't she right? Jedi don't give up.... Do they?

: She is wrong, Remember the Jedi code, "there is no passion there is serenity...."

: That's enough, Mennaus!

: If you want to help us--we could use you. Help make the Flesh Raiders pay.

So here we come to our first Light Side/Darkside choice. Evacuate the students? or aid them in gaining revenge? Being the evil person that I am I made the obvious choice.

: All right. Let's teach those monsters to stay out of the Gnarls

: Here's what we need. then--if you can take the flesh raiders head-on, we can come around and flank them.

: When you're finished let the watchmen at camp know we're coming back. It just may take us a while.

: May the Force be with you!

We also get another Codex entry.

SWTOR Codex posted:


Fierce creatures with an unrelenting hunger, Flesh Raiders are believed to be Tython's only sentient natives. They are at least partially intelligent, capable of building shelters and assembling basic weapons from scavenged technology, but attempts to communicate with them have ended violently. Known for devouring their prisoners and any animals they come across, the flesh raiders were formerly content to live in their bone strewn caves in the hills. More recently, the expansion of the Jedi and the defenceless Twi'lek Pilgrims seems to have drawn them to the valleys.

No one knows where the Flesh Raiders come from. Some speculate that they were once a civilised people, driven to cannibalism and madness over years of isolation. Others fear they are the results of dark side experiments. Whatever their origins Flesh raiders have only grown more powerful and numerous over the years, and they are quickly becoming a blight on Tython.

Right so here we get another quest this time to burn down flesh raider supplies and kill off a few more of them. But that will have to wait until next time because this update is already getting a little long.