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Level 1 Priest

HP: 24 (50%) Spd: 10 (20%)
Str: 0 (10%) Lck: 5 (40%)
Mag: 10 (30%) Def: 1 (10%)
Skl: 7 (20%) Res: 10 (20%)

Move: 5
Weapon Ranks: Staves (B)
Promotion Bonuses: +5 Mag, +3 Skl, +2 Spd, +2 Def, +1 Res, A Staves, C Tomes
Items: Live Staff
Skill: N/A
Holy Blood: N/A

Uh...well, she's...a staff unit...but not one that's gonna get a lot of use. If you failed to pair Aideen, that also means you failed to pass down a lot of valuable staves before Chapter 8. The Pawn Shop gets cleaned out before the start of Gen 2; this means that a lot of the more valuable items from Gen 1 are going to be re-assigned to various enemy units. So in order to get said items back, you have to kill whoever they got re-assigned to. And in the case of the Warp and Libro Staves, you can't get them back until Chapter 9 and Chapter 10 respectively. This causes Mana loses a massive amount of brownie points compared to Lana.

Still, she IS your only healer for most of Chapter 6 (and possibly most of Chapter 7); so she's got that going for her. She's just not nearly as useful as Lana can be.