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Level 1 Swordfighter

HP: 28 (70%) Spd: 15 (40%)
Str: 9 (40%) Lck: 3 (20%)
Mag: 0 (5%) Def: 7 (30%)
Skl: 13 (30%) Res: 1 (20%)

Move: 6
Weapon Ranks: Swords (A)
Promotion Bonuses: +5 Str, +3 Mag, +2 Skl, +2 Spd, +2 Def, +3 Res
Items: Iron Blade
Skill: Pursuit
Holy Blood: N/A

Hoo boy, now we're getting into the bad characters. Radney...has the dubious distinction of being this game's only female “Forrest” upon promotion; a class that's strictly worse than the Swordmaster. Aside from that, she's just a worse version of Aira. Her growths are slightly higher in Strength, Speed, and Defense, but that's negated by her having lower base stats across the board. Moreover, she does not have either Meteor Sword or Awareness; she doesn't have immunity to critical hits, and she does not have any chance of achieving the Damage that Aira and her children can. Plus, she's frail; she literally gets 2HKOed by the enemies in this very chapter!

So, Radney basically just exists as an extra helping hand for Celice and Oifaye. But before we wrap this up, there is one interesting thing to note about her. Radney herself gets a +2 Str bonus from a secret event with Johalva or Johan in Chapter 6, and both her and Lakche gain a TON of other +Str bonuses on top of that. Her and Lakche get a +2 Str bonus from Shanan in Chapter 7 and can also get a +3 Str bonus from certain lovers in the Final Chapter. Add that to the +5 Str bonus they both get from promotion, and that's like; +12 extra Strength man! That is an automatic 21 Strength; even under 0% growths! That's not enough to make her an awesome unit, but it IS something!