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Level 1 Swordfighter

HP: 30 (80%) Spd: 13 (30%)
Str: 10 (30%) Lck: 4 (20%)
Mag: 0 (5%) Def: 8 (30%)
Skl: 13 (50%) Res: 0 (5%)

Move: 6
Weapon Ranks: Swords (A)
Promotion Bonuses: +5 Str, +3 Mag, +2 Skl, +2 Spd, +2 Def, +3 Res
Items: Iron Blade
Skill: Pursuit, Ambush
Holy Blood: N/A

Ok, let's be fair here. The guy gets bonus points just from being more durable. The group we're fighting now consists of 22 Might for Axe Fighters, 24 Might Bow Knights, and 28 Might Axe Knights. So as long as Roddlevan stays away from the knights, he WILL survive two hits instead of just one. That gives him a leg up right there. And Ambush IS pretty neat if you have a +50 Kill weapon to give him. So he's got that advantage for anyone who decides to do an “All Subs AAAA Rank Run”.

But he's still not good. He doesn't have a horse, he doesn't have Canto, his growths are worse than those of Oifaye and Celice, he doesn't get as many +Str conversations as Lakche and Radney do, and his growths aren't even as good! So don't pick him over Skasaha if you can help it.