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Level 3 Free Knight

HP: 30 (130%) Spd: 10 (20%)
Str: 11 (30%) Lck: 5 (10%)
Mag: 0 (5%) Def: 10 (30%)
Skl: 10 (30%) Res: 0 (5%)

Move: 8
Weapon Ranks: Swords (B)
Promotion Bonuses: +1 Str, +9 Skl, +6 Spd, +2 Def, +3 Res, +1 Move, Continue Skill, A Swords
Items: Iron Sword
Skill: Critical
Holy Blood: N/A

This actually surprisingly decent, apparently. Again, I've never used him, and I wouldn't have expected a guy with low growths and no Pursuit to be too helplful...but apparently others have used him to great success in Draft playthroughs and the like. And upon closer inspection...I guess I can see it.

I mean, look at those base stats; those actually ARE really good base stats for someone of his level. Noish, for example, had 11 Str, 8 Spd and 8 Def at Level 3. And that actually rises to 14 Str, 11 Spd, and 12 Def by the middle of Chapter 7! Yes, Delmud and Tristan get +1 Str, +1 Skl, and +1 Defense from Oifaye in Chapter 7, and Tristan gets an exclusive Chapter 7 conversation that grants him +2 Str, +1 Spd, and +1 Def! Oh, and there's the 130% HP growth...and the fact that he gets Continue once he promotes...

Oh yeah, and he has a horse; that's always important. So there you go! Tristan doesn't SEEM like much at first, but he's surprisingly decent! Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't trade Delmud for him, but I WOULD certainly use him in an All Subs run!