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Level 3 Arch Knight

HP: 30 (90%) Spd: 9 (20%)
Str: 9 (30%) Lck: 3 (30%)
Mag: 0 (5%) Def: 8 (40%)
Skl: 7 (50%) Res: 0 (5%)

Move: 8
Weapon Ranks: Bows (B)
Promotion Bonuses: +3 Str, +2 Skl, +2 Spd, +2 Def, +3 Res, +1 Move, A Bows
Items: Iron Bow
Skill: Pursuit
Holy Blood: N/A

News flash; he stinks. The guy's an even weaker version of Midir! He's inferior in every one of his base stats, he has only half of Midir's Spd growth (in exchange for more HP, Skl, and Def), he doesn't have Charge, and he doesn't get the Hero and Killer Bows until Chapter 8. His only saving grace is that he has a hidden Event that grants him +5 Str; but even then, the guy's stuck with Iron and Steel Bows. He doesn't get the weapons he needs to capitalize on that until Chapter 8.

Then there's the fact that he's locked to 2-Range. So do yourself a favor; save your EXP for Celice.