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Part Two: The Castle in the Burning Sands

So last time, we just left Narshe, Lock having been told by Jun Arvis to take Tina to Figaro to see the king.

...And here we are, in Figaro. You know how the conversation goes with Edgar, however.


Item collection! So let's talk about the items we've seen or collected (including what we bagged in Narshe on the way out).

(We'd nabbed a Phoenix Down and a Tincture in Narshe, and yoinked Mog's Mythril Spear and Buckler during that sequence.)

The High Priestess has a name now.

Uh... I'm pretty sure that's not how that analogy goes. Anyway, once this whole scene plays out I go and grab an Autocrossbow because one didn't materialise in my inventory while Kefka was around.

And now we get to the 'burning' part of the title.

Now, you might think that Tek Armors are Human since they're piloted by humans, but...nothing. They have nothing.

Here's what we found in the cave to South Figaro, at least that we could reach this early in the game.

Tina gained a level while we were in the cave.

I'm going to cut the update here, though, because it's taken too long to crank it out as it is. So join us next time as we go Running through the City Streets and Mountain Passes.

New Characters

Starting stats:

        Vigor  Speed  Stamina  Magic   HP  MP  BP  Defense/M Block/M  Retreat
Edgar      36     30       24     30   72   -  48   42 / 24   6 /  6  Average
Matias     48     36       42     30  136   -  48   42 / 42  18 / 12  Average

Edgar has Tools, of course. We didn't get a free Autocrossbow, as mentioned earlier.

Matias has his Blitzes, but (spoilers) we only have Pummel when we pick him up in Mt Koltz.