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Hm? Is that you, Felicia?
Oh. Hello, Hana.
What's the matter? You don't look all that happy.
Um... I was thinking about something, and it just got me worrying...
Ahhh, that explains it. Normally I only see that look on your face after you've dropped something.
What is that supposed to mean?!
I'm sorry! I just meant... Never mind!
Anyway, what is it that's bothering you?
Um... Well... You know that I serve as a retainer for Lord Corrin...
Of course.
Well, I'm worried about whether I'm doing my job properly...
Do you mean the day-to-day things? Or in how you interact with Lord Corrin?
Yes, that! You see, Lord Corrin is like family to me. But at the same time, I'm his retainer, so I should always treat him/her with respect.
Once I started to think about it, I began to worry that I hadn't been doing that...
I see... I know exactly what you're talking about, actually.
Lady Sakura is both my best friend and my liege, after all.
Oh, I guess you're right about that! Doesn't that make things difficult for you?
I've never felt uncomfortable...but I guess I've sometimes wondered if I'm too familiar.
Now that you mention it, it really seems like such a complicated relationship. We're very close to each other, but she does hold a much higher social rank. Hmmm...
Do you have some answers?
It's difficult to figure out where the line between master and subordinate is for us. Is there a proper attitude to have? This isn't an easy problem at all...
No, it isn't...