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Part Three: Running Through City Streets and Mountain Passes

When we left off, we'd just finished the cave to South Figaro.

...And now here we are.

I stop by the Relic Shop to snag a Dragoon Seal for Edgar and three Star Rings (as Mt Koltz does have Poison-inducing enemies). There's a shopping guide at the end of the update, but this information's also in the 'printme' included with the hack's patches.

It takes some grinding, but I eventually get an Iron Cutlass, a Hair Band, and Cotton Robe for Tina; two Boomerangs for Lock; and two Plumed Hats for Lock and Edgar.

Item collection spree! I didn't check the docks (obviously), but I'll do that when Matias returns from Nikeah.

And now we tackle Mt Kolts.

First, we grab this. The Power Glove is not sold in stores, but gives us 7 Vigor and +25% physical damage when equipped. (I gave it to Lock.)

Next, the Butterfly (500 gil, 75 power, +3 vigor, and does double damage to Human enemies). I hate to replace a Boomerang so soon, but (spoilers) Vargas is still around.

I have nothing to say about this.

Speaking of Vargas... He's still a giant pissbaby.

Last treasure from Mt Koltz, and...

...we are finally out of there. Join us next time as we go White-Water Rafting!

South Figaro Shops (World of Balance)

Item Shop

Weapon Shop

Armor Shop

Relic Shop