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Yaaaaaaah! Hyah! ...Hmm? Is that you over there, Sakura?
Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt your training.
No, it's fine. What's the matter?
Uhh... I was just admiring your fighting style, Hinoka. You always look so cool.
Is that it? If something's bothering you, you can tell me. I'm your big sis...
I guess not all sisters are alike...
You're this brave, incredible warrior, and I'm... not. We're nothing alike.
That's not true! There are things we have in common, like...
Oh! Every morning we wake up with the same bedhead... We both like to run barefoot on the grass... What else...?
N-no, I don't mean like that. I mean... personality. You're brave, and I'm not.
You have plenty of strengths.
I wish I was more like you... Then you could be proud of me. I didn't mean to blurt all of that out! I'm sorry. I shouldn't have interrupted!
...She left. Now what do I do?!