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Good morning, Lady Hinoka.
Good morning to you, Azama.
I see you still haven't sorted out a suitable hair-care routine. Your bed head almost makes you look like a giant red insect!
Excuse me? This is how I style my hair on purpose!
Oh! So, you spend all your time on your hair... That must be why your clothes are so wrinkled.
Damn it, Azama! You're not wrong, but did you really need to point that out?
Well, I held my tongue the other day when you spilled all those eggs in the kitchen.
Oh ho! I did have a good laugh about it behind your back, of course. For a mighty warrior, you sure are clumsy!
Look, one of the eggs was already cracked, and it made everything slippery...
Wait. Why am I explaining myself to you? You're MY retainer! What's with all the back talk?
Yes, we mustn't forget that I'm your servant. Even though we only met because I rescued you.
You were such a pathetic pegasus rider when you were younger!
That's true. However, I have always been handy with the naginata. Would you like an up-close demo of just how handy I can be?
You're threatening me? How rude! After all I've done for you! Yeesh, some people just can't handle even the tiniest amount of power...
What have I done to deserve this constant berating? If I'd known what you were really like, I'd have pawned you off on someone else. Maybe it's not too late...
Well, I have a few things to attend to. It's been nice talking with you!
What?! No, it hasn't!