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No, no, no... It's got to be here. Somewhere. Anywhere.
Why in such a panic, old friend? You've turned this room upside down. Have you lost something?
Ugh. You're the last person I wanted to bump into right now, Kagero.
Tell me what's wrong, Orochi.
I lost one of my cards. You know, my fortune-telling cards.
I see.
No, you don't. Or else you'd be upset too. They're from the deck you made for me. That deck is my most prized possession. I sleep with it under my pillow!
You value my silly drawings too highly. I'll just make you another card.
Another one? It's irreplaceable!
Don't be ridiculous. Easily done. I just need a little time, that's all. Unless...
Did you sell your soul to make my napkin scribbles magical?
Now you're being ridiculous. They're not magical.
But they ARE special.
Then leave it to me. I'll try to copy it from memory. Which card did you lose?
The one with the brook and the fish.
Oh, that one! That one will be tricky to re-create. But I'll do my best.
Thank you, dear friend. And again, I'm sorry for losing it.
Stop apologizing. I'm just surprised you hung on to those drawings for so long.
You can count on me, as I've counted on you since we were children.
Like two peas in a pod. But I'm the luckier of the peas!
Well, this pea has got to get rolling if she's going to get this card done.
The brook card... You couldn't have lost an easier one to remake, hmm? *Vanishes*
That girl. Does she really NOT remember why that card is so special to me? I'll just be glad to have it back in my deck, no matter how I get it.
I'm fortunate to have such a good friend as Kagero.