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All right. I've got enough supplies, and I warmed up with target practice earlier. I'm ready to set off to hunt! With the traps I set up in the forest yesterday, all I have to do is guide my prey.

*Time passes*

Phew... OK, I've lured that deer most of the way to the trap. Just a bit farther...
What the...
Good morning, Lord Takumi...
Setsuna?! What are you doing in that trap?!
Oooh, I seem to have gotten stuck...
Yes, I can see that!
Ah, damn it. The deer got spooked when I yelled. I almost had it...
No need to worry; the trap is occupied anyway...
Yes, but it's occupied by you! You're the one that triggered it!
Please, milord, there is no need to heap praise on me.
None of this is praise! I don't even know what to say...
Look, you can release the trap
Ah, thank you... That trap was actually pretty comfortable. It was snug and dark. Easy to relax in...
It's that way so that the prey doesn't struggle, not so you can relax!
But it's so nice... I was just starting to doze off when you came around...
That explains your "good morning," at least. Either way, you need to stop falling into my hunting traps. An ally isn't much help if he or she keeps me from gathering food for the camp.
Oh yes, I agree completely. Who would do such a thing?
What? You did it! I'm talking about you!