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Hm... What to do...
Why the long face, Kaden? Is something the matter?
I just found this little kitty. It looks like it's hurt, but I don't know what to do. I don't have any medicine or bandages or anything that could help the poor guy.
Oh no! Here, let me see! Hm...
Oh, thank goodness. It looks like he just scraped his paw. This salve should do the trick.
Really? Thank the gods you came by!
Here we go. Just a dab should do it... OK, I think he'll be fine now.
Wow! Thanks, Felicia! You're amazing!
Heehee. I'm happy I could be of some use.
I'm definitely gonna have to pay you back. Is there anything I can do for you?
Huh? Um, no, nothing in particular.
As if I could be satisfied with that. Come on—there's gotta be something!
I don't know! Really, there's nothing I can think of!
Um... Oh! Maybe you could let me help you take care of this kitty while he mends?
What? But that would only mean more work for you...
Yes, but it's something I want to do. Won't you let me help? Please? Wouldn't it be much easier if you didn't have to care for him all by yourself?
Hmm... I guess you've got a point. What if I panic again like I did earlier?
OK! I'm OK with it if you are!
Yes! I knew you'd come through for me. Let's do our best!
I'll be counting on you, Felicia.
I won't disappoint you!