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Mama! Hey, Mama!
Yeah, Kana? What is it?
Look! I picked some pretty flowers for you! They're yellow like the sun!
Oh, thank you, Kana. They're very pretty.
Do you like them?
I do.
But what's gotten into you lately? You seem to be bringing me an awful lot of flowers these days.
I just remember that when I was real little, we'd go looking at flowers together. You always smiled so much. And I love your smile, Mama!
So I decided to start bringing you lots and lots of flowers to help you smile!
Haha. I think I remember that too. You've got a good memory, Kana. I'm glad you've held on to that.
But I have a request for you.
Anything, Mama. What do you need?
Remember how I told you that flowers are living things too? Well, when you pick them, it hurts them, and they start to wither away. You should never take a life if it's not necessary. Even a flower's life.
Oh no! I've been hurting them?! It was an accident! I'm sorry, flowers!
Don't worry, Kana. I'm sure the flowers will forgive you. The important thing is that you don't pick any more of them, OK?
OK! B-but...if I don't do that, then how can I show you the neat flowers I find?
Hm. Next time you find some, come and get me. Then we can go and look at them together. How does that sound?
Really? You won't be too busy?
Me? Too busy for you? Never!
OK, then it's a deal! We'll go look at all the pretty flowers together! That's a promise, Mama!