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Hey, if it ain't Corrin!
That magic gunk you mentioned... Is this it?
It sure is! But how'd you know? And where'd you get some?
The shop in town had some. I picked it up while I was running errands.
I owe ya one. Thanks.
How about a live demonstration for your troubles? I've got some rocks all set to go.

*Time passes*

There are so many tiny fragments here...
Amazing, aren't they? They shine like tiny stars.
OK, first we set the weapon down here. Then we slather on some of that gunk. Once it's fully coated, we stick on a bunch of those shiny rocks. The gal who taught me the technique called it mosaic. It's probably my favorite hobby.
Is there an outline of some sort near the hilt? It's faint, but I can just barely see...
That's my rough sketch.
You sketch it out beforehand?
Yep. It helps to lay down a design first before you fill it in with the rocks. Makes it look like a painting, huh?
It's exquisite!
You have to be reaaaaal patient... Place each rock slowly... Carefully...
And you're done!
This design... Did you...?!
Yep! It's your face!
That's a stunning likeness. You're very skilled to get it so lifelike. I wouldn't have guessed it of you, Scarlet.
Haha, right? Came out pretty fine, if I do say so myself. Though...
It's nice to hear someone else appreciate it, too.
Why, Scarlet...I didn't think you were the type to blush.
Heh, I surprised you once today already. Why not twice?