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Part 31 -

Can also use astral perception

Why is it so cold in here?

I can see my breath.


[His nose wrinkles as he tastes the air.]

I'll... be taking that with me, if you don't mind.

Wait. Just one more sip...

Never knew ghouls would drink wine, especially gross stuff like that. Wait, unless...

Aha, it must've been some kind of specially made ghoul wine! But why would Neville have that in his apartment? Does he often have ghoul guests stopping by here? The mysteries deepen...

This didn't come with the apartment. Why fortify an *interior* door like this?

Probably to keep up appearances. Can you imagine how people would talk if he'd installed this thing in the hallway?

Well, one thing is certain... we aren't getting through there without a key. Most likely, that means that we will have to get one from Ma, or from one of his people.

Aww, shucks. I guess we'll just *have* to go back to the party. I mean, that *is* the next logical step. Tell me we're going to the party.

To hell with the party. Someone on the building staff must have a key - let's check with them.

Good evening, ma'am. Welcome to the Veranda at... Oh, it's you again. What do you need this time?

There's a heavy security door in Neville Ma's apartment. Know anything about that?

[The waiter opens his mouth to reply, then pauses.]

Just how do you know about that? When were *you* in Ma's apartment?

A few days ago. I left something in there, and I need to get it back.

We don't want to cause a scene. I mean, we *could* go bother Ma during his party, but that would look just as bad for you as it would for us...

Worth a try. Thanks.

No problem. Just, uh... don't mention I sent you, alright? Chef's a vengeful man, so I don't wanna get on his bad side.

Ma's got this door in his room - big thing, practically indestructible - and someone said that *you* can get me inside.

Yeah, I could do that... And I could also lose my job for it. Even go to jail. Sounds like a real winner of a proposition to me.

[He strains a vat of boiled fish through a sieve.]

Got work to do, stranger. Door's that-a way.

I heard Ma insulted your dumplings in front of his guests. That's harsh.

[His expression hardens.]

Yeah. Cost me a raise and a whole lot of face. I'll bet that bastard didn't lose a wink of sleep over it, either.

[With single motion, the chef lops off a fish's head.]

I know a thing or two that'll have Ma churning in his silk pajamas. Consider your key fob the means to an end.

Yeah. Gladly.

[He grabs a plastic tab from his apron pocket and tosses it to you.]

Ruin him, will you? Or at the very least, ruin his day. I'll consider it a bonus if you wreck his anemic girlfriend and giddy starlet's days, too.

Sure. But I'll need to know more... especially about this girlfriend.

Don't suppose she takes her wine warmed and salted? I've, uh... I've heard rumors.

[His eyes narrow.]

A warm, salty wine? What a disaster. No, she just orders wine. Plain ol' wine. Wouldn't stop her from slipping in her own seasonings, though.

Ah. Right. Thanks for your help, chef.

No, thank *you.*

Why, if it isn't Ma's personal terminal.

[A sly smile crawls up Is0bel's cheeks. She cracks her knuckles.]

Let's have a look.

Drinking from Ma's liquor cabinet with Duncan around:

What is wrong with you, woman?! D'you usually dip into people's wine collections while illegally searching their houses?

But look at that color. It's begging to be drunk.

I don't care if it's cat piss or Zeus' tears. We break into an apartment, and you dribble your DNA all over the booze locker!

[Duncan pulls an alcohol swab from his belt pouch and wipes off the mouth of the decanter, mumbling angrily to himself. He shakes his head.]

I swear, Taz. Sometimes...


With access to the party, Penelope is an easy source for Neville Ma's security door key:

Welcome back, Ms. Argyle. To what do I owe the pleasure?

I was hoping you could help me, Penny. Do you have a key fob for Neville's security door?

[A quizzical look crosses her face.]

I do. But... how do you know about that?

Building management told me. They sent me down to see if I could bring them your fob. They need it to fix a glitch, and they don't want to bother Mr. Ma.

Oh! In that case, please, take my key fob. Just bring it back when you're done, okay?

[She digs around her purse before producing a small plastic device, then hands it to you.]

Thank you, Penny. You don't know how helpful you've been.

[Penelope beams at you.]

Always happy to help where Neville's concerned.


Neville Ma himself can theoretically be asked for his key, but success requires the Security etiquette, and the trigger for getting the dialogue choice to show up to begin with is bugged. Basically it'll only show up if you've seen the door before talking to him for the first time, or have enough Biotech for a completely unrelated dialogue choice.

I was hoping to talk with you about your security door.

[The smile falls from his face.]

How do you know about that?

(Security) (Lie.) Security sent me to talk to you. They didn't want to disturb the party by sending a uniformed guard.

What did they want? Is there a problem?

Somebody attempted to spoof your key fob. Maintenance wants to change your door's RFID code, and they need your fob so they can recalibrate it.

I see.

[His tone changes - suddenly, he's all business.]

I shall see to it immediately.

There's no need for you to leave the party. I'll take care of it for you, and then bring your fob back to you when it's done.

[He stares at you for a long moment, then gives you a slight nod. He fishes the fob out of his pocket and hands it to you.]

Thank you. Any other time, I'd handle this myself, but I cannot be seen fleeing my own party.

Of course you can't. You're very welcome, Mr. Ma.