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C Support

Hello, Elise. What do you need, my darling?
Jumping hug-a-snug attaaaack!
Ack! Heehee, that tickles! Cut it out, you.
OK, fiiiiiine.
...Hey, Camilla? You ever notice how different we are? You're so strong, and you're all curvy! But I'm just a little string bean...
Hm? Where's this coming from?
I dunno. I just wanna be more like you!
Like me?
Yeah! I wanna be more mature and ladylike and stuff, just like you!
Aww. I wouldn't worry about it too much. You're perfect just the way you are.
I don't wanna be perfect! I wanna be a mature woman!
Haha, then you'll have to learn the first lesson mature people all know. We must gratefully accept what the world decides to give us and make the most of it.
Fussing over what things you can't change won't help anything.
But... Camilla...
However, if you're that set on it, maybe I could give you some advice.
Really?! Thanks, Camilla! You're the best!

B Support

Hey, Camilla! I'm ready for those pointers on how to be super mature!
All right. What would you like to know?
What sort of things should a mature woman have?
Hm... I think the most important thing to have is an open mind.
An open mind?
Yes. An open mind and a tolerant heart that's full of kindness. A mature lady must also learn to be merciful and forgiving.
I see. But, um, Camilla... You're not like that at all to our enemies...
Oh, gods no! You never need to show such decency to them.
R-really? Are you sure?
Of course! In any case, I think you already have most of those qualities. You've always been such a sweet and kindhearted girl.
Aw, thanks!
OK, next question! How can I get a body like yours?
Eat properly, exercise, and get plenty of sleep!
That's... it?
I didn't do anything special, so if there's any other way, I couldn't tell you.
Hmm. OK. So... you're saying that if I just don't do anything different, I'll be more like you?
Well, no. You'll always be a much more charming lady than me, Elise.
Aw, shucks, you're embarrassing me! Nice save!
I guess I'll believe you... for now.

A Support

Camilla! CAMILLA! Can you teach me more about how to be a mature lady?
Sure, but can I ask you something first? Why do you want to change so badly?
Because I'm nothing like you... but I really want to be.
Oh, Elise. You don't need to be like me!
But you're so strong and grown up and beautiful! You're the whole package! I want to be more like a real lady. More like you.
Even if only a little. Look! I even dyed some of my hair to be the same color as yours! Heehee.
Heehee. So that's why it's that color. I knew something was different. But I look up to you too, you know.
What?! You do?
Yes. If it weren't for you, I might have lost hope a long time ago.
Nohr is a dark place, and your innocence is one of the few lights in it. Whenever I see you, I remember why we fight. To protect that light.
Yes. And I'm not the only one. We all feel that way about you, Elise. You inspire all of us to fight harder, and to hold fast to our hope. And one day, if we're lucky, the sun will show itself to us again.
You're talking about me? Are you sure?
Yes. So have a bit more confidence. You are exactly who you need to be. If you must change, let it happen naturally. But never force it. You're too precious for us to lose...
Camilla... Thank you!
For you, I promise I won't change too much.