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Update 10

In which Balk murders my team.

Get used to it. You'll be seeing me a lot.

He will. And he does.

After he shoots Kheldarn with his Lightning Gun, Kheldarn attampts to throw a Yagyu Darkness. He guarded.

Kodo uses Earth Slash on one of the Hydras.

Finn charges Poison.

It didn't go well.

Balk shoots Kheldarn dead.

A Triple Flame kills Finn.

A Triple Thunder doesn't kill Shadow. The Chemist shooting him did.
After that, Balk inflicts Don't Act on Kodo, Kestrel tries to raise Kheldarn, a Triple Flame kills Kestrel, and then they gang up on Kodo.

There you are. It's been awhile, hasn't it?

Here we go again!

Kheldarn throws a Yagyu Darkness at Balk, who guards.

A couple of Earth Slashes don't phase Balk.

Kestrel charges and casts Cure 2. I forget who it was for, but I think it was Shadow...

Hyudra attacks Kheldarn, then dies to a counter attack.

Shadow Revives Finn.

Kodo uses Chakra on Kheldarn, reminding me that the amount it heals is small, but hey, she levels up!

Balk shoots and kills Finn.

Then he runs away.

A Wave Fist from Kodo drops the Chemist into critical helath.

Shadow uses Earth Slash to kill the Chemist.

Kestrel attemtps to bring Kheldarn back from the dead...

But the Hyudra is having none of that.

And neither is the Behemoth.

New plan! Stick Rubber Shoes on Kheldarn and Shadow.

Yeah yeah. Just DIE ALREADY!

Balk takes a Double Fisting from Kheldarn, and Kodo uses Earth Slash on the Chemist.

The Hyudra attacks Kheldarn, who kills it with a counter.

Shadow uses Earth Slash on Balk to whittle away his HP.

Finn charges Fire 4, while Balk shoots Kestrel.

Nope! You're a corpse!

A double kidney punch from behind finishes him off.

What did you expect? You made a deal with the Fantasy Devil.

Did you try turning it off and on again?

Yeah! After Balk, you shouldn't be too bad. Right...?

Blood for the blood god!

While he charges Quake, Kheldarn moves to punch his kidneys. He's found that it's a pretty good weak spot. As long as the foe has kidneys...

Kodo uses a Wave Fist, and also gets a Level Up.

Quake goes off. It kills Finn.

Kestrel has Counter Magic. And so she fights Quake with Quake.
It kills Kodo and wounds Kheldarn, but it was totally worth it! I mean, Finn can do it, so why not Kestrel?

Shadow decides to box Hashmalum's ears. It's enough to defeat him.

Nope. Sleeping like a baby.

Fantasy Hell?

And that's the end of him.

Alma have become Sephiroth, destroyer of Flower Girls!


At this point, I'm pretty sure it's too late...

Yeah, it's just a little seperation anxiety.

It's on!

Yes. Very yes.

Oh ho ho! You have no idea what kind of power we have! I mean, Finn has no problems sacrificing his friends to get the job done!

Oddly, Kodo goes first.

She couldn't get close enough to use her sword, so she settles for Wave Fist.

Kheldarn punches Altima in the side.

Altima uses Teleport2 and OHKs Kestrel.

Shadow, following Kheldarn's lead, delivers a kidney punch. He also levels up.

Then you know how this ends...

Get equipped with: Final Boss Form 2!

Finn charges Flare.

Again, Kodo can't get close enough to stab, so uses Wave Fist.

Kheldarn goes for double kidney punch, and like Shadow, levels up from it.

Finn's Flare goes off.

Not wanting to be left out, he also levels up.

Shadow throws a stone.

Kheldarn throws a Yagyu Darkness.

Kodo fails to revive Kestrel.

Kheldarn kidney punches again.

Kodo revives Kestrel, possibly just in time...

Shadow uses accumulate.

Kheldarn goes for a double side jab! He gets a level up, and victory!

Nope. No more power.


And so ends the saga of the Final Fantasy Tactics Classic Run! Thanks for playing reading!

Deaths From Finn's Friendly Fire: 8
Deaths From Kestrel's Counter Magic: 1