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Boomies! You got them! Okay, let's do this! Okay! 3... 2... 1... Ka...


Access granted. Let us proceed.

Wait, but... I--And... The booms! What about the booms?! Rini! You can't do that! I was just about to-- Rini!!!

Hah, leave it to my sister to ruin everyone's fun. Whatever, let's just get a move on it.

Music: Sinister Uprising

No, this isn't some kind of end-of-chapter saving thing. I'm just showing a glitch to ruin the mood of a following scene regarding the quicksave button, because it doesn't deserve to run unimpeded, especially since this is where I discovered this glitch in the first place.

Also the music used here is terrible.

No, I do not save through this glitch. I just want to get this update over with. I may show it off at a later date, though.

And if I am?
We're gonna blow your face off for what you did to Grandview Station!
Amusing. Tell me, what power do you think you have to do so?
Just who do you think you are, anyway?!

You know already. We are Team Meteor. And we do not relent.

Not sure if this is the intention, but I'm getting a dumb Anonymous vibe out of that line.

Don't think you got through this place on your own ability. We had no intention of defeating you. Our purpose here is forfeit already. But it was necessary to let you in, so that you could attend a demonstration.

Let us in?

Did you really think you hacked our security so easily? Foolish. I ordered our operators to slow you down long enough to delete all mission critical data from our systems. But it seems we overestimated your strength. Time was ample. We grew tired of waiting. Now, enough talk.


Yes, boss!



Deal with the small fries. I can handle the gym leaders.

Hmph. If you say so.

For Team Meteor!


Meteor Grunts Aster&Eclipse

Level 16 Elekid

Level 16 Magby

Money Reward: $320


So you've lost already? How disappointing.

It would help if they had more than two baby Pokemon.

I can take on two myself easily, but four... Well, it was an amusing diversion. Don't think you've won, though. Team Meteor does not forgive.

Okay now you're really channeling Anonymous, pal.

Is he gone?

Affirmative. Cradily, return.

You too, Electrode! Good job~ Now let's see... Mhm, mhm~

Huh? What did you do, now?


Oh, shit! Let's move!

...Mr. Meteor Boss Man really did overestimate us. He could've just killed us off by sealing the exits just enough for Miss Unabomber to blow us to smithereens.

It's not like they left this facility completely empty for the taking or anything. We've could've turned it off and make it produce something that's not waste.

Uh huh. If you're done with your pyrotechnics, I'm getting out of here. I can't just dawdle around all day, unlike Enoby. Peace!

Way to sour the mood...

Oh, the mood is always sour with you. He's actually the most tolerable out of the three of you, being almost as sick of this shit as me.

That is one of his few veritable competencies. Nonetheless, Obsidia requires further investigation. I will attend to that now.

Okay~ Thank you for your help! I know you've been really busy since our graduation, but it's nice to get to hang out~ Just like old times, right?

And equally destructive, correct. However, sentimentalities remain counter-productive.

Enoby, did you observer terrain-varient effects during the operation?

If Yes:
Then you should already be aware of some aspects of Field Effects.

If No:
More commonly known as Field Effects, certain environments may influence or alter various Pokemon or attacks.

Recently many trainers have been documenting the specific attributes of each environnment. As such, I have created an application these attributes and effects. Please allow me to install the beta version into your Pokegear.

Enoby received the Field Notes app!

A small population has already begun recording data for this application. Currently, only data on the Electric Terain is stored in this device. Please collecty additional information with the help of other people, or by finding environmental read-outs that may have been extracted at various locations.

Wait, did you say Electric Terrain!? Rini! That's for MY gym! Are you trying to give Enoby a lead on me?

At any rate, I will report today's proceedings to Ame. Farewell.

Rini!!! If you're gonna sass me, at least do it with some feeling! Siiiigh... She's never been the same since... Well, nevermind! Thanka for your help today, Enoby! You were great! And now that my gym isn't gonna randomly blow up, I'm gonna head back there now! Although if it did blow up that might be fun too... Whatever! See you soon, Enoby!