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Digi-Update 02: Get On With It!

We come back to the game standing in the same lobby as we were in before. As much as I'd like to just jump right into the next fight, we have talking to do. Not much, though. I completely ignore our teammates and head back into the lobby.

We're greeted by Ophanimon praising us for shooting fish in a barrel, and walk over to where she and Glare are standing, in order to soak in more of that delicious ego-boost.

Julia, the leader of Night Crow and her ChaosGallantmon enter, accompanied by one of the best pieces of music in this game. It's a shame you only get to hear much of it in Dusk.

We're formally introduced to Sayo, who will be our final opponent in the tutorial, and act as our primary rival throughout most of the game. A bit more chatter, and we're released to talk to a few more pointless NPCs. There's nothing important to do, so we head right on over to finish this tutorial up.

The "boss fight" of the tutorial, (so to speak, it still uses the standard battle music) Sayo starts as a moderate challenge, already cementing herself as the only competent NPC human. She's using the Balance Pack from Dusk, the counterpart to our current team. This fight could be very difficult, except for MachGaogamon's rather convenient Fire weakness.

Raph's first attack knocks off more than half of his HP, and takes Lilamon down to about half as well. Mikey one-shots Lunamon. MachGaogamon then boosts Lilamon's speed. Speed is the god stat in this game, but in-battle stat boosts are rather marginal, so it doesn't really matter. Lila Shower hits Raph twice, and lowers his attack both times, but even then, a second Trident Revolver is enough to make the rest of the fight just mopping up.

Sayo congratulates us, but swears she won't lose next time. The grown-ups talk some more, then spot a shady hooded character and make me realize I probably should have taken another screenshot.

We follow behind, and catch up just as the mysterious hooded figure is cornered. He cackles ominously and disappears, leaving us to stand around like assholes until a sudden, awkward scene transition.

This is SunshineCITY [sic], base of Light Fang and primary hub town for most of the game.

Gaoh and Lyla rarely ever show up, but they don't drag us off to rescue them constantly, either, so they're fine by me. Glare sends them off to train for the Bronze Tournament, which is the next level up from the Normal Tournament we won today.

They salute and depart, while Glare holds us to talk about the plot finally showing up 'strange guy' we ran into before. We're asked to keep our ear to the ground, since apparently the same person's also shown up in DarkmoonCITY [sic], where Night Crow and the good BGM live.

Glare thanks us for our hard work, and says he's sent a present to our home page Tamer Home for doing such a great job being competent, and then cuts us loose into the city proper.

SunshineCITY is split into several parts. Shine Office has the main tamer offices, where we'll be getting most of our mission. Shine Gate leads to the outside world, and connects Shine Office with the other two sections. Shine Hall and Shine Square are mostly full of chattery NPCs, and Shine Plaza, our destination, connects to the shops, and our Tamer Home.

Later on, there will be some NPCs who have sidequests and other such things to share with us, but right now, just about all we can do is head home, and get our present.

Or, we would, but look who we ran into on the way back! It's the whole damn gang.

Somehow, they heard we got a present, and pester us about what it might be. Pulsa gets jealous, Komachi lays down another sick burn, and everyone wanders off to do their own things. There's actually about a solid minute of dialogue that's probably supposed to make the characters seem likable. It doesn't really work. At all. Ever.

We can't get home fast enough.

Waiting for us is Gatomon, who we can't use in combat, but who will, at least in theory, serve the role of mission control for us. Since we're apparently like twelve with no adults but Glare and Julia in sight, I must assume she also raised us, which brings up all sorts of questions I'd rather not get into.

Still, for the sake of clarity, and a stupid pun, from now on, I shall be refering to this particular Gatomon as Gatomom.

Our reward for doing so well is a Farm Island Card, which we can exchange in the shop for a Farm Island. It's hard to tell since you get it from the start, and it takes a while to learn to use it properly, but the Farm Island will save us a lot of grinding in the long run. We're going to be using the hell out of this thing.

Gatomom shotguns a lot of terms and concepts that don't actually mean anything to us yet, we yawn, and she notices, shooing us off to bed. Sleeping is a thing we have to do, but eating is never really brought up at all, ever. More questions the game doesn't have any interest in answering.

Gatomom praises us for doing well, and even tells us to make sure we keep warm.

Meanwhile, back in SunshineCITY, a generic NPC talks to her Greymon about the Bronze Tournament tomorrow. The awkward silence that follows is interrupted by another sudden perspective shift. This happens a lot.

People are excited about the Tournament, but the stronger, older Digimon have been feeling uneasy, like something bad is about to happen...

Another legitimately really good track... that only comes up once.

Suddenly, everything begins shaking back and forth! A very peculiar-sounding alarm goes off! Finally, plot!

What, a glowing purple skull-orb looks suspicious? Why, I never!

The orb cackles and, to the surprise of absolutely no one, explodes with evil power. Everything goes white. When it clears...

The orb warps past the dazed Tamers and egged Digimon, and enters SunshineCITY.

Second verse, same as the first. Evil laugh, crackling energy, rumbling sound...

And everyone's an egg again. The mysterious dark energy being disappears to parts unknown.

While everyone outside has been turned into eggs, because we were in our Tamer Home, the worsts of the effects were filtered out, and our team has been returned to Rookie. Our taste of power is over. From here on out, if we want strength, we're going to have to work for it.

Oh, and the stores are closed so we won't be able to get our Farm Island yet.

Damn you, you dastardly fiend!

Next Digi-Update: We actually play the game!