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Level 2 Wind Mage
Parents: N/A

HP: 29 (90%) Spd: 14 (40%)
Str: 1 (20%) Lck: 6 (20%)
Mag: 11 (40%) Def: 4 (20%)
Skl: 10 (50%) Res: 9 (20%)

Move: 5
Weapon Ranks: Wind (B)
Promotion Bonuses: +5 Str, +5 Mag, +4 Skl, +4 Spd, +6 Def, +3 Res, +1 Move, C Swords, B Fire, A Thunder (B without Minor Tordo)
Items: Wind
Skill: Continue
Holy Blood: Minor Tordo

So uh...this guy is apparently called “Butt-face” by the regulars at Serenes Forest. I don't know WHY he's called that. I mean...

I'm looking at it right now, as I'm typing, and still not seeing it. But oh well.

Anyway, Amid is...well, he's someone who has the STATS to be decent, but not anything else. He doesn't have Pursuit, he doesn't have a Holy Weapon, he doesn't have a good class, he doesn't get staves on promotion...and he doesn't even get a horse! That's right! Plain ol' mages like Arthur and Azel get the Magic Knight class; but specialist mages (any class specificially called Fire Mage, Thunder Mage, or Wind Mage) all promote into “Mage Fighters” instead.

Amid will get weapon triangle control and higher stats from promotion; but he won't get either staves or horseback. He's basically Levin, but without most of the things that really set Levin apart. Stats are all he has.

So if I were to compare him to anyone in Dragon Ball, I'd compare him to Hyssop. If you don't know who that is, well...that's kind of the idea :P .