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C Support

Do you need something?
No...not really. I noticed you're not very talkative.
No. I speak when spoken to. Otherwise, I stay silent.
Besides, I could say the same about you.
There's a difference, though. I want to talk. I'm just no good at it.
I see. You have the desire, but lack the ability.
That's never been my problem.
Stimulating as this is, I'm leaving now.
Next time...
Next time, I'll think of something for us to talk about.
...If that's what you want.

B Support

You're so...blank, Beruka.
... This is it? This is the conversation topic you said you'd think of?
A nonstarter, huh?
*shrug* I don't care what we talk about.
You'd think that would make it easy to talk to you. And yet...
... So I'm hard to read. What of it?
I didn't mean anything by it. Just a thing I realized.
... Was there anything else, or is that it?
Benny. You clearly don't have anything to talk about. So why do you want to talk to me?
No reason...
You want to talk to me for no reason?
Is that strange?
You'd have to ask someone else. I'm not a good barometer of "strange."
We're allies. Is that an OK reason?
Is that what you're going with? You want to talk...because we're allies?
Yeah...yeah, let's go with that.
Then you're a fool. I won't hesitate to kill anyone at all if that's the assignment given to me.
Even my "allies." It's a waste of my time chatting with someone I might someday have to kill.
OK. So...I'll just be going now...

A Support

Beruka? Are you OK?
Leave me. You're a distraction.
A distraction from what?
You to me all the time. For no reason. You said it yourself.
Uh... Are you feeling OK?
Weren't you listening to me? I'm not good at the "feeling" thing. So leave me be.
Not good at it, huh? It sounds more like you're just not used to it.
You need practice. Don't worry, though. I'm strong.
I'm not trying to brag. What I mean is... even if you had an assignment to kill me, I wouldn't go down so easy.
Are you OK? Say something...
... I'm fine.
Nothing wrong worth mentioning.
Good. That's good.
Heh. I need to get used to it, huh? Maybe so... This isn't the life I used to live, after all. you want to keep talking about nothing with me? For no reason?
Sure, Benny.

S Support

Oh. There goes the bird.
Yeah. So long, bird.
Beruka, will you marry me?
I love you, you know...
I've never loved anyone.
It's true.
But when I'm with you, I'm not as tense as I always am. You make me feel safe to relax.
That's me with you too.
We don't even have to talk. I'm happy just to sit quietly next to you.
Yeah...that's me too. Again.
When I'm not with you and I think about you, my pulse runs faster.
I guess all of that is what it's like to love someone.
I love you, Benny. And let me guess... "It's the same for me."
It's true, though.
The answer is yes. I'll marry you.
Loving someone, having them love me back...
It'll take some getting used to. But I'm happier right now that I can ever remember being.
Yep. It's the same for me.
You're a good man, Benny.