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Brutus decides to expand his horizons and go to the library.

Brutus doesn't feel like getting ambushed anymore after his slums adventure so he tells this guy to fuck off. Brutus actually has enough either combat or prestige reputation to do it peacefully, but there's a reason to kill the prospector.

It's to get at his oil pots. Brutus is actually running out of napalm at an alarming rate.

Brutus collects the extra map locations and moves on. Repairing the generator requires oil pots and he doesn't want to spend any.

Brutus shows up at the Arch and turns around and leaves. Thanks for the free skill points!

Inferiae next. I'm going to skip to the part of the Azra conversation that required a charisma check.

tfw charisma

No wonder she doesn't like cities since she got basically pogrommed out of one.

Something tells me Brutus will be just fine.

tfw no strength

You start this in a kind of awkward position, with the Inferiae demon just across the corner.

Brutus runs back and gets some hits in as the demon approaches.

For whatever reason the demons have a bonus against ranged attacks as if they had shields. I never understood why.

The Inferiae demon hits almost as hard as the Zamedi one.

Had to use two napalms on this fight. Conservation efforts status: going poorly.

Brutus gets the demon core and the demon's steel weapons, which he promptly turns into steel bolts.

I leveled up lore. I won't pretend there's any other reason for Brutus to know how to use a console.

To be fair Brutus' lore isn't good enough to access the more advanced functions like "nuke nearby village" so he has to make do with turning on the portal.

Brutus grabs the stuff in here and leaves. I don't know if he'll ever have enough lore to use the healing machine, which is sad because the extra constitution would be really helpful.

Next up is Zamedi.

Bla bla bla we've seen all this.

The alchemy supplies in the Magi's room are really, really helpful since Brutus is running low on everything, especially those dragon blood extracts for eagle eye neurostims one day.

I leveled up lore again. Brutus figures out the ring.

Brutus has already killed one demon. He feels confident that even if this demon betrays him, he'll be able to kill him too.

Lore dump time. Imagine that, a lore dump in a LEGEND OF BRUTUS update:

It seems the Magi liked the idea of bull servants that the Qantari initially proposed after all.

The Magi blame the Qantari for what went wrong, but they're hardly an unbiased source.

The Servants of Power sounds like a sick metal band name.

Again, Brutus is confident he could kill the demon if he needed to.

But it turns out the demon is a demon of his word. Well, that worked out.

I really don't like this conversation. It just dumps the backstory of the game on you. It's not 100% on point and there are still questions to be answered, but it's like, why bother with all the hints if a moderately skilled in lore character can just have almost everything explained to them from a being that was alive when things went down? I wasn't going to put it into the LP at all until someone complained. At least it works out since you get to see the different ending for letting the demon go free.

Julius just wanted to get the hell out, but Brutus feels like exploring the lower levels.

There are two crates down here with goodies.

I don't like when this game gets cute... except this time! How many other RPGs let you go around and fight enemies with a futuristic nail gun?

I feel like this sword is also a reference to something, one that I'm not getting. Is it Pyramid Head's sword?

The sword's gimmick is that it damages armor on probably every hit. I'd rather just have a custom made sword with crafting bonuses.

The bolter is much more useful though. It only takes 1 ap to fire a basic attack (2 for every other crossbow) and 2 ap to reload (3 or more for every other crossbow) (yes it works off the crossbow skill). If you chug a neurostim you can put out an amazing amount of bolts in short order. Damage isn't bad either. Only downside is you can't slap crafting bonuses on it, which isn't a big deal since crafting bonuses for xbows aren't very significant anyway compared to melee weapons, but every bit helps.

Brutus finds the brutally murdered remains of the zealots when he leaves the Tower. He decides to believe that raiders coincidentally killed them while he was in the tower dealing with the demon. Killed them and didn't take any of their stuff. Yeah.

Brutus still has a score to settle before I end this update.

Nobody dumps him into weird ancient pyramid things. Nobody.

It's nice that the game accounts for you actually returning to Inferiae after using the portal to escape.

The only way to trigger an attack though is to pretend you want back into the pyramid. You can't account for everything.

Alright! Brutus versus: An Entire Village, Literally

Brutus starts off the fight by sniping one of the close guards and finishing him off with the bolter.

The other guard takes advantage and hits Brutus in the back of the head.

Brutus chugs a neurostim and gets to work.

Even though some miss the remaining close guard dies from full health in a flurry of point blank bolter shots.

The villagers have been approaching in the meanwhile.

Brutus gets in some snipes, but he still has to napalm himself off when some of the rolls go bad.

Every enemy in this fight has ranged weapons. The villagers have rocks, which do no damage but if you have enough villagers pelting you with rocks eventually some will crit. Except for some reason the villagers don't switch and advance. GG fix bugged game plz.

When the napalm dies off Brutus lets the villagers advance a bit and then re-applies it.

One of the longbowmen gets into range and starts firing.

Brutus kill him from range, chugs a second neurostim, and starts firing bolts indiscriminately into the crowd.

Finally some of the villagers start chucking rocks.

Brutus kills a big chunk of the villagers during one last napalm.

Azra finally gets into snipe range.

One shot, one kill. You don't want her to get close because she'll start tossing acid at you.

The remaining villagers get close, but there's too few of them now to overwhelm Brutus with numbers.

No one tosses Brutus into pyramids. No one.

Final stat screen. Depopulating a small desert village gets Brutus up to an even 100 killed.

Next time: Back to the IG story line!