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Emily/Corvo's Journal

The Clockwork Mansion: Emily posted:

The Crown Killer is no more. Next: Jindosh.

I finally uncovered how my enemies created the "Crown Killer." What better way to erode confidence in me before the coup? If I had stopped to think about it for even a few minutes, maybe I could have kept my people's trust. But that would have required patience. And my advisors always remind me that I have none of that particular trait.

But to use Hypatia's own serum against her! Horrible.

I'm happy I could find a cure. She's a brilliant alchemist. Now she can continue her research to help the people of Serkonos.

I wasn't able to rescue Sokolov. He's been taken elsewhere. To Kirin Jindosh's mansion. He's the inventor of the Clockwork Soldier, and if he's able to use Sokolov's genius for his own plans, it might be very, very bad. I've seen his killing machines in action at Dunwall Tower. I can't allow Delilah to have such an ally.

I'm sure Jindosh takes pleasure in keeping his intellectual rival captive. Well, it won't be for long, if I have any say in it.

The Dreadful Wale. What a weird name.

It's hard to sleep on this ship, and when I do my dreams are troubled. Well I'm awake now and thinking about Sokolov.

I remember him at the Hound Pits Pub, so long ago, trapped like a beast in a cage. He smelled of stale piss and rotting meat. But they couldn't break him. He held onto himself, and picked up again as my tutor. Something I needed, in the aftermath of my mother's death. "Beware of dignitaries bearing gifts," he used to tell me. But I was still a child, and I liked gifts. I thought nothing sounded more pleasant. Now I know better.

I also find myself thinking of Callista, my old governess. She always wanted to travel the world on a big boat. Eventually, she left Dunwall, then stopped writing a few months later.

The Clockwork Mansion: Corvo posted:

The Crown Killer is no more. Next: Jindosh.

So Duke Abele was behind the Crown Killer. He used Alexandria Hypatia's own serum to turn her into a murderer. Not a bad plan. Turn everyone against Emily first, then execute a coup. So I've put an end to it. Hypatia's dead, and the Crown Killer died with her.

Sokolov isn't at Addermire Institute. He's been taken to the home of Kirin Jindosh. A rival Natural Philosopher, Grand Inventor, maker of the Clockwork Soldiers. Professional jealousy, or something more sinister? I've seen Jindosh's killing machines in action at Dunwall Tower, and I can't allow Delilah to have such an ally.

The Dreadful Wale. What a weird name.

This boat makes sleep hard to come by. I'd prefer being tossed by a storm to the endless lapping of inconsequential waves. I remember sailing from nation to nation during the Rat Plague all those years ago. Jessamine, so hopeful. Counting on me to negotiate help from the other Isles. Thinking I had skills in diplomacy. Thinking others saw in me what she alone saw.

I failed her. And I failed her again on my return. Now it's Emily who needs me. But I'm older. I can feel it. Like a heaviness. Sand in my joints.

I miss my daughter. At least she was there during the bad days. Drawing and telling stories in the Hound Pits Pub.

Everything Else (now in order of appearance)

Note from Meagan Foster posted:

Dr. Hypatia needed a place to sleep, so I cleared the stuff out of the spare cabin. I was able to sell most of it. Here's what's left of the money. It's not a lot, I know.

Whale oil is expensive and under imperial rationing decree, but you know that.

Meagan Foster

Dr. Hypatia's Notes posted:

On a boat with friends, I believe. I slept. Thankfully without the usual nightmares. Perhaps the sea air does me good.

The captain, Meagan Foster, brought some tea earlier. Such an interesting woman. She seemed to understand, about my strange disjointed memories, and the feelings of dread that accompany them.

As soon as I am able, I must return to Addermire. So much of the last few months seems a blur. What was I accomplishing? What of my research into serums for the black spittle? My work was so easily derailed. I can only conclude I was suffering from a complete exhaustive breakdown. I will need time to recover.

Maintenance List posted:

Drain Engine Room - Another week, another leak.

I wasted hours on it and couldn't get it stopped. I'll shut the water off, assuming I can find the crank-wheel. Something to deal with once Sokolov is safe.

Check Bridge Tubing - DONE
Haul Down Oil - DONE
Buy Onions - DONE

Clockwork Soldier Basics posted:

To All Personnel,
After last week's disaster, the Grand Inventor, Kirin Jindosh, circulated the following information related to his Clockwork Soldiers. All Grand Guard personnel should read this report.

* The Clockwork Soldier is protected by armored wooden plates. If some miscreant destroys these, then there's nothing protecting the vulnerable mechanisms underneath.

* If something knocks off the Clockwork's head, the thing will attack anyone it can, ally or not. That means you.

* Given the expensive optics Mister Jindosh has provided each Clockwork with, they can see in the front and in the back. Remember that if another one of them goes haywire.

* If some fool is able to get close enough, there's a small panel on each Clockwork that can be rewired, which will invert their perception of friend and foe. Again, that means you get attacked.

Keep these things in mind, and the Clockworks will be an asset and not a liability.

Third Lieutenant Fiora Diaz

Lower City Technical Office
Grand Serkonan Guard

Meagan Foster's Notebook posted:

I'm starting to understand why Anton wanted to go to Dunwall to seek [Emily's/Corvo's] help. [She's/he's] impressive. I have to wonder if [she's/he's] really suited for palace life. Maybe [she/he] wonders that [herself/himself] sometimes.

We could've been good friends, at a time when I was running across the rooftops like [she/he] is now, watching my enemies from the shadows.

I just hope [she's/he's] breathing tomorrow morning, so I can complain when [she/he] puts [her/his] dusty boots up on the table again. I've lost so many friends. First my sweet Deirdre. Others along the way. Good old Aramis Stilton, who disappeared three years ago. And now Anton.

Maybe this is my punishment. I'm bad luck.

Please, [Emily/Corvo], bring him back.

Letter to Bonville posted:

Major Bonville,
Thank you again for your help. Without you, it would have been impossible to trace the final members of the Grand Guard who were with Stilton that night, three years ago.

The last man had made it all the way north to Meya, if you can believe it, and was recovering at a Tyvian asylum for the poor, claiming to have seen all manner of strange things on the night of Stilton's last social gathering. He even described an exotic, hooded figure visiting the manor. Perhaps someone connected to Stilton's disappearance. Such matters are best left to military men such as yourself, I suppose.

I still have your bank agent's name and address. Rest assured, your final payment will be delivered soon. I'm also sending a small flask of a liquor that is close to my heart, made from the pomace left over after wine grapes have been pressed. Please think of me as you enjoy.

Yours truly,
Breanna Ashworth

THE SILVER SPIKE - Empress Delilah's Secret posted:

Today, risking my very life, I bring you probing questions about our new Empress, Delilah Kaldwin. Or, depending on your political leanings, Delilah Copperspoon.

Is it true that her mother was a kitchen maid employed in Dunwall Tower? Even if so, that does not prove she was Emperor Euhorn Kaldwin's daughter! If the Emperor did in fact have a second, secret daughter, making her the true heir to the Kaldwin throne, why didn't he make the proper arrangements?

Outside speculation, what else do we know about our Empress Delilah? What can the Silver Spike tell you beyond marketplace gossip?

We can date her past, from the time she claims to have grown up in Jessamine's shadow. We know when Delilah's most regarded paintings were bought and sold. But where was she between those earlier times and this year, when she ascended the throne in Dunwall?

Such a long gap away is suspicious, is it not? No artwork sold, not even an address of record. No neighbors stepping forward with juicy tales from the long period before she arrived in Karnaca, just three years ago. Therein lies a mystery worth cracking, dear readers, her activities in the time before she was first seen with our dear Duke Luca Abele.

End of Gray River posted:

You screwed me!

Paolo was where you said he'd be, alone. We knifed him fifty times. He was choking blood when I drove a rail spike through the side of his head. Then he was just gone, and there weren't nothing but a bunch of rats. Not sure how he pulled that trick, but you musta known, scumbag.

Next day, Paolo came back with ten Howlers. Got us a couple at a time. Dragged Brynda and Toma screaming into the street and bashed out all their teeth with a hammer. Put that crazy powder in their eyes. Had 'em seeing terrible things, screaming like carnival clowns, mouths all runnin' red. Then Paolo gave the word and they shot 'em with those screaming darts they use. I stayed hid.

So I'm finished, asshole. And I bet you were working with the Howlers all along. I swear, if I ever see you again, I'll stick you.

- Sabine

The Child Empress posted:

[Excerpt from a Historical Series]

There was a definitive moment when people stopped calling Emily Kaldwin "the Child Empress." It came after an ambush by the "Regenters," an extremist group who wanted to return Dunwall to the authoritarianism of the Lord Regent's time.

On the way back to Dunwall Tower, Kaldwin's carriage was blocked between two gates, with her attackers firing pistols, and even throwing a grenade. With the Royal Protector too far away to be of service, the young Empress, only fourteen, found herself all alone in the carriage, save for her friend, Alexi Mayhew.

Kaldwin supporters are lucky that Mayhew was there, as she was brave enough to grab a grenade that had landed at their feet, throwing it back at the assailants and saving the Empress. When one of the men dropped down from the forward gate, it was Emily Kaldwin who yanked free a short railway brace and beat the man senseless with it. With the City Watch closing in, the two girls held their ground against the debris of the carriage until the situation was secure.

It is said that Emily Kaldwin refused to have the "Regenters" executed for their crimes, and this is hailed by many as her first adult decision as Empress.

Cited for her heroic actions, Alexi Mayhew was commissioned by the City Watch when she turned eighteen, and was later made Captain, by Emily Kaldwin herself.

A Reflection on My Journey to the Pandyssian Continent (2) posted:

By Anton Sokolov
Chapter 14

We were only miles from the shore, but our approach was marred by numerous hidden reefs and jagged rocks. They lay shallow and we spied two vessels that had succumbed to them some time ago. The remaining crew was uncharacteristically silent as we edged by the weathered wrecks.

The first mate declared a particularly narrow channel to be un-passable. But the Captain dispatched ten crewmen onto the submerged coral with sledgehammers. Thereafter, each chest-deep in water, they pulled the Antonia Aquillo into the tiny channel with ropes. It provided a marvelous solution!

However, just as we were about to lower the rope ladders, tragedy struck, as the men were beset by a school of reef-dwelling eels. Apparently, their toxic bites were quite painful. From the railing, we could see them swarming the men, who begged us for aid before succumbing to the paralytic effects of the toxin. Within moments, all were still in the water.

We continue on, in silence, and by sunset we had cleared the bars and put anchor in a bay with a red rock beach and emerald overgrowth beyond.

I confess I was near giddy to put my feet on land again! The smell of ripening fruits and warm earth was so pleasing to me as a cherished vintage. We gathered wood and made fires, and indulged in some tinned meat and lemons from our stores. How good it was to slumber on the beach with the cackle of embers nearby, having finally escaped the cramped and damp quarters of our vessel! We took turns with the watch and passed a quiet night - at last, we stood on Pandyssian soil!

The Southern Winds, By Caleb Manly, Natural Philosopher posted:

The Southern Winds

Presented at the Academy for the Benefit and Moral Edification of the Pupils Therein [Excerpt from a speech]


Cherished students and learned colleagues, have you not heard the tales of Serkonos and the beauty of its people? I pose questions today, that I hope to answer in great detail. Let's start with the ones commonly asked by travelers for many decades.

Does the warmer clime affect the spiritual outlook of people? Are those born in Tyvia, Morley, and Gristol possessed of a more taciturn nature through the geographic and meteorological conditions of their birth? And are these subjects influenced by the obscure currents of warmer water and air that are channeled across the dreadful Ocean from the Pandyssian Continent itself? We know so little about that far land!

In my travels, I have been impressed with commonality shared across all cultures, but also in the differences. It's my goal to illuminate these areas of inquiry, and I will share at least one spicy Serkonan recipe with you before the day is done.

Caleb Manly, Natural Philosopher

Note from Correy Brockburn posted:

25th Day, Month of Timber, 1851


You'll find everything in the safe. I've written the combination in the usual place; you know where to look in the office. I changed all the safe tumblers recently, because I feel like I'm being followed. Pretty sure I heard shuffling and heavy breathing from somewhere nearby in the dark while I was closing up the office for the night. It's not the Grand Guard this time, but we're being watched for certain.

It's probably safer to postpone our next gathering. Can you warn the others?

I'll leave for Cullero when I'm done with today's clients.

Correy Brockburn

Gathering of the Regenters posted:

2nd Day, Month of Timber, 1851

All members present.

Primary Agenda: Possible actions for the upcoming Anniversary of the Death of Empress Jessamine Kaldwin.

Proposal by Correy Brockburn: Letter to the Karnaca Gazette, explaining that while her murder was reprehensible, the end results may have been positive for the Empire.

Action: Motion approved unanimously.

Proposal by Janice Tines: Members wear Lord Regent's crest armbands on the Anniversary.

Objection by Correy Brockburn: Lovely idea, but it may hurt business for members who need to deal with many clients on that day. Clients may find it in poor taste.

Action: 4 votes against, 3 votes in favor. Motion rejected.

Counter-proposal by Janice Tines: Armbands could be worn on the 15th anniversary of the Lord Regent's (unlawful) arrest.

Action: Motion approved unanimously.

Proposal by Teodoro Benitez: Campaign demanding wider deployment of the Wall of Light, brought back into use in Karnaca by Duke Luca Abele. "The Boldest Measures Are the Safest."

Action: Vote delayed until word comes from Grand Guard leadership, collecting facts on reductions of crime across Karnaca. Proposal added to agenda for next gathering.

Cocktails and spirits served.

THE SILVER SPIKE - On Howlers posted:

[Your dear editor is stepping aside this week, to give you both sides of an argument raging across the city.]

Guest Editor: The Howler Blight.

The letter published last week by the Gazette was an outrage. How could Madam Anto suggest that the Dust District and even Karnaca itself would be better off if we legitimized Paolo and his Howlers in any way? Instead, decent folk should hope to wake up one morning and read that Paolo is finally dead or in jail! And why should we "be wary" of the Abbey? Only a witch need worry about the wrath of the Overseers.

The Howlers are nothing but a bunch of cutthroats who never worked a day in their life. Everything they have, they stole. If you want their so-called protection, it comes at a price. On the contrary, the Overseers have dedicated their lives to spreading the good values of the Seven Strictures. Believe me, the dust in Batista is not in our streets, but in our hearts. And only the Abbey will make us clean again.

Sebastien Armitage

Duke Abele Essential in Dunwall Coup posted:

Karnaca's own Duke Luca Abele reportedly played a key role in the recent coup that unseated the unpopular Emily Kaldwin. Our new Empress, Delilah Kaldwin, made quick work of dissenters and has already issued several proclamations, which are sure to be welcomed in Dunwall after the failed reign of Emily Kaldwin, known for shirking her duties in favor of more pleasurable pursuits, and now blamed for orchestrating multiple assassinations against her critics.

The coup is sure to increase our fortunes here in Karnaca, as Delilah Kaldwin has strong ties with Duke Abele. Serkonos in now expected to rise in wealth and power within the Empire! There are ongoing reports of lingering unrest in Dunwall, as those who remain loyal to Empress Emily's corrupt reign are dealt with.

Split the Take posted:

Lieutenant Raccos,
By now you've had time to think it over. I'm in a good position where I'm at, and I've got the same deal going with four others in the Guard, spread out over Karnaca. People I trust, watching major entry points.

The offer's unchanged: If our Very Important Person from Dunwall comes through, alone or with anyone else, and you're part of the squad taking them down, do whatever it takes to keep it quiet. Whatever it takes.

Bring the body to me and we'll all gather up. The six of us will take credit for the "arrest", and we'll split the Duke's reward. Money and maybe a post at the Grand Palace. Stick with us in this, lieutenant, and you'll increase your odds. But don't tell a single soul.

- W. L.

Interrogation Report posted:

Captain Cullero: Your name is Hieronimus Blas.

Suspect: Yes.

Captain Cullero: And you admit to writing, printing and distributing the pamphlet called, "Get the Clankers Off Our Streets"?

Suspect: Yes. You should read it. How long before the Grand Guard is entirely replaced by mechanical soldiers? Indifferent to human suffering, following some aristocrat’s orders blindly.

Corporal Loya: He kinda has a point, Captain. What if the Duke thinks we're not good enough for the job anymore? I don’t want to go back to the mines.

Captain Cullero: Corporal, this is hardly appropriate.

Suspect: Imagine: infallible, incorruptible soldiers.

Corporal Loya: He's right, Captain.

Captain Cullero: Interrogation suspended.


Get the Clankers of Karnaca's Streets! posted:

Beware a strange sound, like the clanking of a factory machine. You might be seconds from an encounter with the latest work of our Grand Inventor, Kirin Jindosh.

And what should we think of these new marvels of industry, coveted by the wealthiest members of Karnacan society and standing vigil over their estates?

I will tell you! These Clockwork Soldiers are a danger to us all, taking lives with all the morality of a shopkeeper's adding machine! They fight for days without rest, as long as the whale oil tanks hidden in their backs don't run dry.

Tyranny awaits unless we act now and re-establish the lawful society established by the former Duke of Serkonos, twice the leader his indolent, irresponsible son has proven to be. Citizens of Karnaca, fight to get these clankers off our streets!

New Gate Code posted:

Attention everyone!

The new code for the gates is [three digit number].

Once you've read and memorized it, destroy the note. Remember - do not write them down or forget to destroy the notes.

Major Allain Binoche

The Duchess in Green, by Douglas Harwickle, Historian posted:

Much has been written on Theodanis Abele and his sons. But in her own quiet way the Duchess Callas Abele made contributions to Serkonos that will never be forgotten. A collector of artwork, she commissioned the painting "Radanis Abele's Incongruence with Time", from Anton Sokolov. It was a tribute to her late son, Radanis, who died at the hands of a deranged street scoundrel while studying abroad.

The Duchess Abele was also an architect and busied herself with projects as varied as the building of the Orphans of Seafarers Academy and the installation of the marble flooring in the original ducal palace. The marble was a gift to the Abele family from the late Empress Jessamine Kaldwin, who had the stone quarried from the cliffs of Redmoor. However the ducal residence was razed to make room for the new palace constructed under the direction of Luca Abele. Substantially, all of the artworks and treasures from the old residence were lost or destroyed.

Callas was a private person, and rarely made public appearance. She died in her fifty seventh year, after a tragic fall from a balcony.

Instructions to Staff posted:

To my privileged staff,
Today Mr. Hadros and Mrs. Vivienne will be visiting to purchase a pair of Clockwork Soldiers. My instructions are as follows:

The Arc Pylon should be stowed beneath the floor. Let's not vaporize our guests. Bring it back up only in the event of a disturbance.

Lay out refreshments, and prepare dinner for after the contracts have been signed.

If they grow restless and demand to see me, tell them I will be with them shortly, and escort them to the waiting room. Do not activate the mechanism that lowers the waiting room into the assessment chamber. I will do that once I arrive.

- Kirin Jindosh

Sokolov Technology and the New Age posted:

[Excerpt from a recent book detailing Sokolov's machines]

One of the advantages of the Sokolov's technologies is that they share the same magnetic socket for the tanks of processed whale oil they use as fuel. When a tank is exhausted, another can be plugged into place with ease, and the process is simple enough that any common workman or even the lower guardsmen of the City Watch can handle the task. This applies to the Arc Pylon and Wall of Light security systems, as well as the rail cars used for transport by those few who are wealthy enough to afford them. The only obvious downside of Sokolov's designs is the volatility of the oil itself. A few incidents have occurred, resulting in damage to property or bodily harm whenever one of the tanks has exploded.

Letter to Amado Foundry posted:

Please type and send this letter to Nora Amado Foundry:

Your idiot foreman just queried me thusly: Will any size do? Any size, he says! No, no, no! The components must be precisely the size specified in my plans!

I need assurances that there is someone at your facility who understands this; who will see to it personally that all the parts I've requested will be perfectly uniform, exactly sized, and composed of the requested materials. I will not pay a single coin until I have confirmation that my requirements will be met!

These parts are not just paperweights for my desk! They must fit together within a larger machine after they leave your doors.

I await your reply,

K. Jindosh

The Astounding Clockwork Soldiers posted:

A Precise History by the Creator Himself, Kirin Jindosh, Grand Serkonan Inventor

Chapter 23
Dear readers, you will be fascinated to know that earlier models of the Clockwork Soldier had human-like faces! Allow me to explain. As you know from Chapters 18 through 22, I had been testing the Clockwork Soldiers against a wide range of enemies. Early in this process a problem emerged. The would-be thieves and assailants were not intimidated by the delicate ceramic faces of the earlier prototypes. One criminal even believed he recognized an uncle and attempted conversation!

Undeterred, I set about redesigning the head mechanism, encasing it with a terrifying visage! I knew I had found the right design when my first test subject fell to their knees in fear.

Last Words posted:

To whoever might find this,
Are you trapped? I know only too well your situation. You see, these are my last words. I have found a spot away from the clutches of those things, but for what? I have no food, no water, and now I grow weak. if there was a chance of escape, then I have missed it. Even writing this note saps any strength I had left.

I thought I could beat this contraption, this terrible house, this thing that Jindosh has built. But it has beaten me. If only I had thought to bring water, or a morsel of bread.

And so I say goodbye to you, my reckless friend. Perhaps you too will die here. I'm sorry for that. If I become a ghost, then I will try to help you. Otherwise, fare thee well.

Stanislaw Shepherd
juggler, magician, thief, braggart, and surely, a fool

Sokolov's Needs posted:

Note to staff,
As you know, we have a special guest in the Assessment Chamber, the infamous inventor, Anton Sokolov.

While the facility is not noted for its creature comforts, I expect Sokolov's basic needs and bodily functions to be taken care of so they never become a nuisance to me.

- Jindosh

Invitation Letter from Jindosh posted:

Dear Mister Hadros,

It would be my pleasure to play host to you and to give you a personal demonstration of my Clockwork Soldiers as you take possession of yours. As you must know, the cost is exceptionally high, but once you see one of my creations in action you will be unable to resist the purchase.

Please arrive on the appointed date, between the hours of two and three in the afternoon. It is important that you arrive at the time I have specified as I might otherwise mistake you for an intruder.

Sincerely Yours,

Kirin Jindosh

Oracular Order Divided posted:

A representative from the Sisters of the Oracular Order in Serkonos paid a surprise visit this week to officials at the Grand Palace, delivering a message that calls into doubt the Order's formerly-held position on the illegitimacy of our new Empress, Delilah Kaldwin. It seems that there is intense disagreement between the sects of the secretive organization.

While not a full reversal, the visit to the Grand Palace prompted the following statement from Duke Luca Abele: "It pleases me that the Sisters of the Oracular Order have come closer to endorsing our beloved Empress, Delilah Kaldwin. Her recent and valiant coup is an attempt at restoring just rule to the Empire, and I advise the ever-stubborn Abbey of the Everyman to immediately embrace Delilah as Empress, accepting her wisdom and authority. We thank the Oracular Order for delivering this vision, and we call for a day of celebration."

Meanwhile, Vice Overseer Liam Byrne, speaking on behalf of the Abbey of the Everyman, advises restraint, saying that the latest missives from the Oracular Order are still being interpreted and debated.

Conditioning Sokolov 1-4 posted:

My efforts to fine-tune the electroshock machine have been less than successful. Breaking down the more bothersome elements of a subject's personality, such as willpower, while leaving cognition and creativity unharmed has proven unrealistic.

Instead, my machine leaves the subject babbling like a child which is the opposite of what I need from Sokolov.

Sokolov is more resistant to the notion of collaborating than anticipated. He's a stubborn old goat, which could be his undoing unless I'm careful with the electroshock machine. My goal is to render Sokolov pliable, but still capable of assisting me in designing a new version of the Clockwork Soldier.

At the moment, each Clockwork costs a fortune, but I'm certain my old teacher and I can find a way to reduce the costs.

So the high and mighty Anton Sokolov won't deign to aid me in my efforts to make a new version of the Clockwork Soldier. Fine, I have another solution. My electroshock machine, long a side project of little practical use, will be just the thing.

If I can find the right calibration, I should be able to damage those parts of Sokolov's mind related to independence and free will, leaving intact his vast knowledge and hopefully an even more important quality the old man possesses, though it pains me to admit, his legendary creativity.

I tire of dealing with my old teacher. I'm confident that I don't need him to simplify the design of the Clockwork Soldier, but without Sokolov it could take years to reduce the cost of each Clockwork; to design a version that can be built with cheaper, more readily available materials, and assembled by Duke Abele's half-witted factory workers. The Duke will get his Clockwork Army, I'll make sure of that. The question is when.

I'll keep experimenting with the electroshock machine, trying to get it just right. And if Sokolov can't be made to help me, I'll continue using the machine on him anyway as entertainment.

Note to Anton Sokolov posted:

My Dear Anton,

I hope the sound of the Clockwork Soldier outside your cell doesn't disturb your rest. I find the solid footfalls and gentle electric hum to be soothing, but you may be of a different opinion. In fact, in your condition, the noise might be maddening, especially since the pressure plate for the exit of your cell is positioned tantalizingly within reach.

But should you attempt to venture forth from the assessment chamber, like some wrinkled, gray whiskered rat hunting through a labyrinth for a morsel of cheese, you will soon find your stoic guardian bearing down on you. You're an intelligent man. I'm sure I don't need to illustrate what those honed edges would do to your ancient and haggard body.

- Kirin Jindosh

Letter from Duke Abele posted:

Kirin, my dear Grand Inventor!
Who else possesses such a keen mind? Could any other of my inner circle achieve such industrial marvels?

I appreciate how superbly your Clockwork Soldiers performed in Dunwall, cutting those guards loyal to Emily Kaldwin to ribbons. And Breanna Ashworth claims you've been invaluable, helping her Oraculum contraption. Delilah will be pleased.

Please dispatch a courier as soon as you have what you need from Anton Sokolov. Press him as you see fit. No methods are off limits! We must find a way to produce your Clockwork Soldiers in greater quantities.

Your Duke,
Luca Abele

Clockwork Army Timetable posted:

I was pleased to hear that the Duke has you working on a much less costly version of your Clockwork Soldier. I saw first-hand what a handful of Clockwork Soldiers did in Dunwall. With many more units we should be able to assert much more military power, following the coup.

What truly concerns me is the timetable. When will you be able to give us a date? We have ambitious plans, my friend, and we cannot accomplish them without our Grand Inventor.


Major Neko Fillados
First Attachment to the Duke
Grand Serkonan Guard

An Unfinished Letter on Legacy posted:

Honestly, I bear no ill will towards Emily Kaldwin or her father, the Royal Protector. I've never given a single fig for any of those palace-born nobles in Dunwall, so how could I think ill of one Empress or another?

You would not be incorrect in suggesting that my motivations for assisting the Duke were at least twofold. I wanted to advance the causes of Natural Philosophy, for the sake of the work itself, and to show those stodgy morons at the Academy the light they very nearly extinguished. Further, of course, I am not stranger to infamy, and in fact I am fond of it.

But there's more driving the engines of my desire.

Dynasties rise and fall with the ages, through mundane catalysts such as famine, plague or bankruptcy. Now, however, we live in a time that is being shaped by genius! Just as Roseburrow, Sokolov, Joplin, and Hypatia have set the wheels of history spinning with their contributions, so will Kirin Jindosh.

And it is my goal to eclipse those who came before me. No matter how the history books record the tale regarding this turn in power, it must be stated that it was only possible through advances in industry and technological exploration. Power now rests in the hands of the brilliant, and the world will never be the same.

Note to Kirin Jindosh posted:

It's my hope that the pale stars look down with favor upon your attempt to gain Sokolov's favor. But if the old goat will not bend to your will, I can offer an alternative to merely keeping him locked in your assessment chamber and subjecting him to cruel electrotherapy.

I've started a new effigy, cast in Sokolov's shape. Given time, I believe it might grant me some influence over your esteemed guest.

– Breanna

Powering the Electroshock Machine posted:

Note to self:
There is insufficient power to operate the electroshock machine. Until this is rectified, I will have to compensate, freeing up more power for the electroshock machine by configuring the other laboratory platforms so they draw the least power.

Letter from Delilah posted:

You ask what the Void looks and feels like, if it can be measured like a real place. Here's my answer: Don't concern yourself with such matters. It is as real as anything I've ever experienced, but if you understood it, you'd know that such a statement makes as little sense as saying that I have been dead.

The Void is unspeakable. It is infinite and it is nowhere, ever-changing and perpetual. There are more things in the endless black Void, Kirin Jindosh, than are dreamt of in your natural philosophy.

Leave aside things beyond your reach, and be content that you are gifted with more insight than the common man.


Mission Letter from Delilah posted:

Take Heather and Kai. Travel to Karnaca tonight. The others there will give you a roof to sleep beneath and they will keep you out of sight. Watch for our friend from Dunwall.
When the moment comes, strike. If you succeed, I promise you will be rewarded. And beyond that I'll make you a portrait.

- Your Empress Forever, Delilah